Introduction To Clothing (Theory)

Paper Code: 
HSC 405
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students:

 1.To  familiarize students with social and psychological aspects of clothing.

2. To impart knowledge for the selection criteria for fabrics, garments & home furnishings.

3. To understand the dynamics of fashion and careers in Textile and Apparel Industry.

Unit I: 
Sociological and Psychological Aspects of Clothing
  • Importance and functions of clothing Theories of Clothing: Modesty, Immodesty, Protection and Adornment .
  • Clothing according to rituals, religion & culture.
  •  Individuality and conformity
  • Conspicuous  consumption & emulation


Unit II: 
Concept of design
  • Types of repeat, Classification of design
  • Elements of design – line, form, color and texture
  • Principal of design – balance, proportion, emphasis, rhythm and harmony
  • Application of elements and principal of design related to apparel


Unit III: 
Quality evaluation of ready made garments
  • Appearance: Size, design, line & color
  • Fabric: Durability, ease of care
  • Workmanship: Cutting, sewing, finishing.
  • Fit and cost
  • Advantages and disadvantages of Ready made garments versus tailor made garments


Unit IV: 
Selection Criteria
  • Selection of suitable fabrics and designs for  clothing of: Infants, Toddlers, Pre-School Children, School going children, Adolescents and Adults &   Old
  • Selection and purchase of Household linens, curtains, draperies, towels and blankets
  • Selection of clothing for children with special needs.


Unit V: 
Fashion Concept
  • Style, Fashion and Fad, Sources of Fashion, Factors favoring and retarding fashion,   Fashion cycle
  • Careers in Textile and Apparel Industry


Essential Readings: 
  1. Frings, Gini, Stephens., Fashion- Concept to Consumer, Prentice Hall International,     New Jersey
  2. Marilyn, J, Horn., The Second Skin (3rd Edition), Houghton Miffin Company, London



1.Marshall, Suzanne, G., Individuality in Clothing Selection and Personal Appearance, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

2. Stone, Elaine and Samples, Jean., A Fashion Merchandising, McGraw Hill Book Company


Academic Year: