Paper Code: 
HFN 327
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to:
1. Work in diverse areas of food, nutrition, dietetics, biochemistry, microbiology and community nutrition through a variety of supervised practice experiences
2. Be competent entry level practitioners, investigators and nutritionists who demonstrate an evidence based approach to their practice 
Course Outcomes (COs):
In the end of II Semester, students will undergo internship training of 45 days in a hospital/ health clinic/ analytical labs/ food processing Units/ food industries/ catering Units/ NGOs etc. so that they get to understand the existing working practices, conditions and acquire an in depth technical know how. The student shall prepare a report and submit it. She will be required to make the presentation of the work followed by viva-voce. The student is also required to get the certificate from the concerned organization/ institution/ industry, etc. regarding successful training.
Panel of examiners consisting of Head of the department, and two other examiners appointed by the Principal shall conduct a vice-voce and evaluate the reports. 
Academic Year: