Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to:

  1. Explain the meaning of Inclusion;
  2. Analyse the concept of Inclusion
  3. Analyse the difference between Integrated and Inclusive Education
  4. Clarify policy perspectives at the national level.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Course Code




Inclusive Education


CO247: Discuss the concept of inclusion and integrated education

CO248: Describe the policies in promoting inclusive education.

CO249: Develop familiarity with various act and policies for special children.

CO250: Construct the  knowledge about Educational Concessions, Facilities, and Provisions for Children with Disabilities in Inclusive Set Up        CO251: Discuss the  Disability, Diversity, Socio-Cultural and Economic Factors of inclusion.

CO252: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction


Approaches in Teaching:  Interactive Lectures,  Reading assignments, Power Point Presentation,



Learning activities for the Students:

Relevant books, papers – students read, collate and make presentations on selected theme

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments, CA test ,Semester End Examination.


Unit I: 
Introduction to Inclusive Education
  • Meaning of Inclusion
  • Importance of Inclusion
  • History of Inclusion
  • Special education to integrated education
  • Integrated education to inclusive Education
  • Inclusive Education: Challenges and Strategies
Unit II: 
Policy Perspectives : Initiatives to Promote Inclusive Education

●        Policy Perspectives - National and International Level

●        Initiatives to Promote Inclusive Education

●        United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and Education For All

●        Principles of the Convention

●        Education For All (Millennium Development Goals)

  •       EFA and Inclusion
Unit III: 
Understanding Inclusion in Education
  • Constitutional Obligations for Education of Diverse Groups
  • National Policy on Education (1986-92)
  • Rehabilitation Council of India
  • National Policy for PWD (2006)
  • RTE - SSA’s Policy on Inclusion - Policy Interventions
  • RMSA
Unit IV: 
Educational Concessions, Facilities, and Provisions for Children with Disabilities in Inclusive Set Up
  • Integrated Education for Challenged Persons
  • Children’s Educational Allowance
  • Scholarships for The Challenged Persons
  • Facilities-Providing Access to Differently Abled Persons, Educational material, Special equipment, Free bus pass
Unit V: 
Disability, Diversity, Socio-Cultural and Economic Factors

●        Concepts of Disability and Diversity

●        Disability and Culture

●        Identity, Labelling,Personhood,

●        Disability and Socio-Cultural Factors

●        Models of disability

  • Curricular Issues
Essential Readings: 
  1. RashtriyaUchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (2013). Ministry of Human Resource Development in association with Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Retrieved from
  2. Basu, D. D. (2013). Introduction to the Constitution of India. India: LexisNexis.
  3. Sharma Prem Lata et al., (2012) ‘Inclusive Education: What, Why and How’, – A book on Teacher Education, RIE Mysuru, NCERT Vani Press, Mysuru.
  1. Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (2004), NCERT.
  2. Dasgupta, P. R. (2002). Education for the Disabled (1998). Social Exclusion.
  3.  Disability Handbook (2004). ‘Sensitizing teachers and teacher educators (Inclusive Education) published by NCTE 2004 under the agencies of the Human Rights Commission.
Academic Year: