Human Physiology

Paper Code: 
CND 101
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students 

             • To know in detail about various systems of body

            • To acquire knowledge regarding the human body


Unit I: 
  1. Cell and Tissues
  • Structure and functions
  1. Skeletal system
  • Structure, formation & types of bones
  1. Sense organs
    • Structure & functions
Unit II: 
  1. Cardiovascular system
    • Blood: composition, functions, blood group
    • Heart: structure, blood vessels, cardiac cycle
    • Circulation of blood
    • Blood pressure, hypertension, heart attack
  2. Lymphatic system
  • Structure & function of lymph
  • Lymph vessels
  • Lymph nodes
  • Importance and significance in diseases
  • Immunity & vaccines
Unit III: 
  1. Nervous system
  • Structure & function of neurons
  • Structure & function of Brain & spinal cord
  • Peripheral system
  • Hypothalamus & its functions
  1. Endocrine system
  • Structure & function of  endocrine glands
  • Role of hormones
  • Related disorders
Unit IV: 
  1. Digestive system
  • Structure & functions of digestive organs
  • Digestion & absorption of carbohydrates, proteins, fats


  1.  Respiratory system
  • Structure &function of respiratory organs
  • Role of lungs in exchange of gases
  • Vital capacity
Unit V: 
  1. Urinary system
  • Structure & functions of kidney
  • Urine formation
  • Factors affecting urine formation & excretion


  1. Reproductive system
  • Structure & functions of male & female reproductive organs
  • Menstrual cycle, spermatogenesis
Essential Readings: 
  1. Sears, W. G. Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses
  2. Donald C Rizzo. (2007). Fundamentals of  Anatomy & Physiology  Thomas Learning 2007
  3. Glenister, TWA & Jean RW Ross (2004) Anatomy and Physiology  for Nurses CBS Publishers
  4. Anatomy and physiology in Health and Wellness; Anne Waugh & Allison Grant,11th ed, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.

 Keele, C.A. and Neil, E. (1978) Samson Wright’s Applied Physiology,

     Oxford University Press

2. Tortora, G.J. and N. P. Anagnostakos (1984), Principles of Anatomy and

     Physiology, Harper and Row Publisher, New York

3. Armstrong, K.F. Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses

            4. Pearce, A. Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses, Faber and Faber

            5. Pike and Brown: Nutrition – An integrated approach – John Wiley and sons,

                 New York

            6. Robinson C.H., Lawler M.R. ‘Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition’. Macmillan


Academic Year: