Emotional maturity, family relationship and causes of friction
Adolescent language and morality
Unit III:
Young Adulthood (20-40 yrs)
Developmental tasks, characteristics
Physical and Cognitive development
Psychosocial development-self identity,marriage, family and parenthood
Responsibilities, changing trends and challenges for adults
Changing interest and adjustment in early adulthood
Unit IV:
Middle Adulthood (41-60 yrs)
Characteristics, adjustment to physical changes (appearance, sensory ability, physical functioning, health, sex), mental abilities, interests, social and emotional adjustments.
Coping with midlife crisis, marital satisfaction, occupational adjustments-stable and unstable pattern, gender differences, relations with friends and relatives.
Coping with stress in family and workplace.
Menopause, andropause, health issues.
Preparation for retirement.
Grand parenting- advantages and disadvantages
Unit V:
Late Adulthood and Ageing (above 60 yrs.)
Definitions, physiological changes and cognitive changes- appearance,
Physical, sensory, attitudinal, interests, motor functioning and mental abilities.
Retirement – effect on self concept, attitude of family and society
Problems of old age- ageing, financial, problems faced, loneliness, prolonged illness, changing relationships.
Successful ageing, using leisure time, managing finance.
Provisions and policies for aging adults
Essential Readings:
Santrock, W. John (2007). Life Span Development, Sixth Edition, McGraw Hill, New York
Berk, L. (2006).Child development, Allyn and Bacon, New York
Hurlock E.B. (1978). Child development, Megraw Hill Publishing Co.
Rice, F. (1992). Human Development. A Life Span Approach Prentice, Hall.
John Brond, Peter Coleman and Sheila Peace Aging in Society: An Introduction to Social Gerontology, 2nd edition (1993) Sage Publications, New Delhi.
K. Warner Schaie and Sherry 1. Willis, Adult Development and Aging 3rd edition (1991) Harper – Collins Publishers, U.S.A.
Linda Nielson Adolescent Psychology: Contemporary view (1987) holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, Chicago, U.S.A.