Paper Code: 
CHSC 111
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:



Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to

1.     Understand  the concept of human development

2.     Analyze the development during prenatal period

3.      Evaluate the development during infancy.

4.     Understand the development in early childhood and late childhood.

5.     Apply the knowledge of childhood years in daily life



Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title

CHSC 111

Human Development I:

The Childhood




The students will be able to –


CLO5: Understand the meaning of Human development, stages, and child study methods.

CLO6: Assess the importance of reproductive health , stages, birth process and complications of pre natal stage.

CLO7: Demonstrate the knowledge of infancy in dealing with infants.

CLO8: Acquire the knowledge of milestones, various developments and play during early childhood years.

CLO9: Demonstrate the strategies to use the knowledge of middle and late childhood years in dealing with their developments.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, , Topic  presentation, Giving tasks,

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Presentation

Unit I: 
Introduction To Human Development


·             Definitions, history, scope and multidisciplinary nature of Human Development

·             Human development as a scientific discipline and its place in home science

·             Stages and aspects of development

·             Meaning &Principles of Growth and Development

·              Child study methods- Observations, interviews, questionnaires, checklist

And case study -types, merits and demerits, longitudinal, cross sectional

approach and projective techniques

·             Interrelationships of heredity and environment

Unit II: 
Prenatal Development


·         Reproductive health –Meaning and Importance

·         Process of Conception

·          Symptoms of pregnancy,Stages of prenatal development,factors affecting

prenatal development

·             Complications during pregnancy and childbirth

·             Birth process

·             Role of heredity, environment and maturation in development

Post natal care of mother and child- minor ailments

Unit III: 
Infancy (Birth -2 years)


·             Neonate-adjustment, sensory, perceptual, feeding practices, importance of early stimulation.

·             Reflexes and sensory capabilities of neonate and their importance.

·    Immunization schedule- essential and non essential vaccines.

·             Milestones & characteristics of infancy

·             Development in Infancy

Ø  Physical-motor development 

Ø  Cognitive and language development

Ø  Socio-emotional development

Ø  Play during infancy

Unit IV: 
Early Childhood (3-7yrs)

              Characteristics and developmental tasks

·             Physical and motor development - body size, skeletal growth, physiological changes

·             Cognitive & language development- Pre-operational thought, meta-cognition

·             Socio-emotional development- self esteem, Socialization with peers and sibling

·             Gender identity in Early Childhood

·             Learning & play

Unit V: 
Middle and Late Childhood (8-12yrs)


·             Characteristics and developmental tasks

·             Physical development- changes in body size, proportion, composition

·             Cognitive & language development- Information processing

·             Social & emotional development- changes in self-concept, development of self esteem, sex typing.

·             Changes in family relationships- parent child relationship, sibling

·             Some common behavioural problems- thumb sucking, bedwetting,

stealing, lying and using abusive language

Essential Readings: 

·             Singh, A. (Ed). 2015. Foundations of Human Development: A life span approach. New Delhi: Orient Black Swan.

·             Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988.

·             Berk, L. E. (2007). Development through the lifespan. Delhi: Pearson Education.

·             Rice. F. P. (1998). Human Development: A lifespan approach. New Jersey: Prentice a. Hall.

·             Santrock, J. W. (2007). A topical approach to life-span development. New Delhi: Tata McGraw- Hill.

·             Papalia, D.E., and Olds, S.W., (2005), Human Development, Tata Mc.Graw Hill      Company,New York.

·             Suriakanthi, A., (2005), Child Development, Kavitha Publications, Gandhigram, Tamil     Nadu.

Academic Year: