Hospitality Management (Theory)

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This course will enable the students to:

  • Understand different types of services offered in hospitality industry.
  • Details regarding housekeeping and different ways of maintaining cleanliness.


Unit I: 
Institutions offering hospitality services
  • Types of institutions offering hospitality services
  • Hospitality functions and operations
  • Role of housekeeping in hospitality industry


Unit II: 
  • Organization of housekeeping department
  • Duties and responsibilities of housekeeping staff
  • Job descriptions and specifications
  • Co-ordination of housekeeping department with other departments
  • Job procedures, calculations of standard time, types of shifts


Unit III: 
Linen Room
  • Linen Room -Layout/plan and physical features of a linen room
  • Types of linen and their selection
  • Stock determination, control and distribution, record keeping
  • Condemnation and reuse procedure
  • Linen room staff and their duties
  • Storage procedure for linen
  • Uniform and Maintenance
  • Types of uniform
  • Selection
  • Distribution and control
  • Identification and preparation for repair
  • Maintenance procedure


Unit IV: 
  • Cleaning Activity
  • Cleaning agents
  • Cleaning equipment
  • Types of cleaning
  • Cleaning techniques
  • Pest control


Unit V: 
Communication system & Energy and water system

Communication system

  • Public address system
  • Intercom system
  • Music
  • Television

Energy and water system

  • Power requirements
  • Water control taps
  • Waste water circulation
  • Solar water heaters


Essential Readings: 
  1. Andrews Sudhir (1978):Hotel Housekeeping Traning Manual, Tata McGraw Hill    Publication Co Ltd. New Delhi.
  2. Branson, C.J. and Lennox, M.(1988):Hotel, Hotel and Hospital  Housekeeping,5th Edition, Redwood Books, Trowbridge Wilshire, London.


  1. David M. Allen(1983):Accomodation and Cleaning Services, Vol. I & II, Houston Hutclunson and Co.(Publishers Ltd)
  2. R. Lewis, T. Begg’s, M. Shaw, S. Croffot(1986), Vol I& II, AVI Publishing Co. Inc. Westport Connecticut.
  3. Mary Ellen’ Guide to good enough Housekeeping by Mary Ellen Pinkham and Dale Burg.
  4. National trust Manual of Housekeeping by Sandwith.
  5. The Robert E. Lee Family Cooking and Housekeeping Book by Anne Carter Zimmes.
  6. The illustrated Good Housekeeping Encylopedia Cook Book Three Volumes BY Good Housekeeping magazine.


Academic Year: