Historical Development of Textiles (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To study the textiles traditions of world.
  2. To study the important textiles arts in their historical perspective.
  3. To create awareness and foster appreciation of textile masterpieces of the world.



Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcomes                (at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title







24HCT 122




Historical Development of Textiles




COCT:7 Analyse and appreciate the textile masterpieces of the world woven textiles

COCT:8 Appraise the dyed and printed textiles of world

COCT:9 Analyze the perspective of textile and distinguished historic costumes with reference to style, colours and centre of production

COCT:10 Explain the embroidered textiles art in their historical perspective

COCT:11 Determine the historical background of textiles of south America

COCT:12 Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in Teaching:

Discussion, Interactive Lectures, Power Point Presentation


Learning Activities for the Students:

Self-Learning Assignments



Quiz, Power Point Presentations, Chart/Poster Presentation, Individual and Group Projects, Semester End Examination



Unit I: 
Unit I

Study of master pieces of world textiles: Woven                                                      (With respect to history, construction techniques, styles, colours, motifs and centers of production)

  • Brocades (China, India, Persia, Byzantium, Spain, Italy and France)
  • Shawls (India, England and France)
  • Linen damasks (Ireland and Belgium)
  • Carpets and floor coverings (Middle and Far East)


Unit II: 
Unit II

Study of master pieces of world textiles: Dyed and Printed                                  

(With respect to history, construction techniques, styles, colours, motifs and centers of production)

  • Resist dyed fabrics (India, Indonesia and Japan)
  • Printed textiles (India, France and England)


Unit III: 
Unit III

Study of master pieces of world textiles: Special Techniques                                  (With respect to history, construction techniques, styles, colours, motifs and centers of production)

  • Tapestries (Greece, Coptic, Europe and Peru)
  • Laces (Europe)


Unit IV: 
Unit IV

Study of master pieces of world textiles: Embroideries                                         

(With respect to history, construction techniques, styles, colours, motifs and centers of production)

  • Embroideries (China, Persia, England)



Unit V: 
Unit V

Textiles of South America                                                                                         

  • Pre-Hispanic, Latin and South America
  • Colonial North America



Essential Readings: 
  1. The Last Two Million Years, London, Edited and Published – The Readers Digest Association Inc. (1973)
  2. Annemarie Seiler Baldinger (1979,) Classification of Textile Techniques Ahmedabad, India, Calico Museum of India.
  3. Encyclopedia of Textiles, Edition of American Fabrics Magazine, New Jersey, Prentice Hall.


  1. Gillow John and Sentence Bryan (1999) World Textiles London, Thames and Hudson.
  2. Ginsburg. Madeleine (Ed.) (1993), Illustrated History of Textiles, London, Studio Edition.
  3. Harris, Jennifer (Ed.), (1993), Textiles-5000 years, London, British Museum Press.
  4. Hecht, A. (1989), Art of the Loom, London, British Museum Publications.
  5. Lewis. E. (1953), Romance of Textiles, New York, The McMillan Company.
  6. Owen Jones (1986), Grammar of Ornament, London, Omega Books.
  7. Wilson Eva (2001), 8000 Years of Ornament, London, The British Museum Press.


  1. https://www.textileschool.com/182/history-of-textiles-ancient-to-modern-fashion-history/
  2. https://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications_resources/pdf_publications/pdf/tapestries.pdf
  3. https://www.businessoffashion.com/education/collection/fashion-history

Reference Journals:

  1. https://textilevaluechain.in/
  2. https://colourpublications.in/product/colourage/
  3. https://www.textileworld.com/





Academic Year: