Paper Code: 
HCT 322
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To gain knowledge of the significant development in production of textiles in the world.
  • To assess similarities and dissimilarities in different civilizations in terms of production, Ornamentation and usage.
  • To acquaint students with the prevailing designs of costumes worn by people of different countries during different periods.

Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes   (at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HCT 322



COCT49: Understand key techniques in the textile history and apply these to the identification of textiles


COCT50: Familiar with the beginnings of the textile industry in ancient civilizations


COCT51: Recognize and appreciate the design effects in textile masterpieces of the world

Approach in Teaching :

Discussion, Interactive Lectures, Power Point Presentation, Video, Demonstrations


Learning Activities for the Students:


Self Learning Assignments, Field Trips

Quiz, Power Point Presentations, Chart/Poster Presentation,  Individual and Group Projects,  Semester End Examination



Unit I: 
I Beginning of Costumes
  • Source of evidence for the study of historic costumes
  • The origin of dress
  • Clothing as an art form
  • Relationship between textile production and its use in dress


Unit II: 
The Ancient World
  • Mesopotamia
  •  Egypt
  • Greece
  • Rome
  • India


Unit III: 
English Costumes
  • English costumes during middle ages
  • Early middle ages
  • Late middle ages
Unit IV: 
French Costumes
  • Renaissance in France (1500 A.D)
  • Renaissance in France (1600 A.D)
  • Renaissance in France (1700 A.D)


Unit V: 
The French Revolution and thereafter (1790 A.D - 1900 A.D.)
  • The Directoire and empire period (1790 A.D.-1820 A.D.)
  • The Romantic period (1820A.D. -1850 A.D.)
  • The Crinoline period (1850A.D.-1869A.D.)
  • The Bustle period (1870A.D.-1900A.D.)


Essential Readings: 
  • Gillow, John and Sentence, Bryan., (1999) World Textiles, Thames and Hudson, London.
  • Jamila, Brij ,Bhushan., Costumes & Textiles of India, Taraporevala Sons & Co. Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai.
  • Akazi, Roshan., Ancient Indian Costumes, Art heritage, New Delhi,.


  • Dupont, Auberville., M. (1989) Classic Textiles, Bracken Books, London.
  • Harris, Jennifer., (1993) Textiles 5000 years, Henry and Brans Inc. New York.
  • Houston, G.M., (1954) Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Russian costume and decoration, Adam and Charles Black, London.
  • Houston, G.M., Ancient Roman, Byzantine costume and decoration, Adam and Charles Black, London, 1954.
  • Philips, Cunnington., (1966) English Costume, A C. Black Ltd. London.
  • Racinent, Albert., Historical Encyclopedia of Costumes, Studio Editions, England.
  • Ghurye, G.S., Indian Costumes, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai.



Academic Year: