Guidance And Counseling (Practical)

Paper Code: 
GHSC 202 B
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the student

  • Apply  various techniques in counseling and guidance.
  • Understand various problems in children which require guidance.
  • Apply  different therapies of counseling.
  • Frame case profile of a disturbed individual.



  • Prepare  theme related brochures, pamphlets etc. for guidance
  • Visit to a guidance and counseling center, children’s home and evaluation
    • Organizational structure
    • Objectives/ purpose
    • Competencies of personnel and process
    • Clients views about center
    • Financial management
    • Records and registers
  • Planning/ organizing guidance session of a particular age group / with specific problems.
  • Participation in counseling process/ assistance in preparation of case history / study in the clinic ( Presentation of case in classroom)
  • Preparation of E-content for counseling through mock activity using counseling techniques- Rapport technique, questioning, listening, reflection, acceptance, silence, leading, reassurance, non- verbal cues, terminating  skills.
  •  Need assessment of individual guidance and counselling by suitable tool.


  • Blackham, G.J. &Silberman, A. (1980). Modification of child and adolescent behavior.
  • Cohen, D.H. & Stern, V. (1958). Observing and recording the behavior of young children.
  • New York: Bureau of Publications Teachers College - Columbia University.
  • Cormier, W.H. & Cormier, L.S. (1979). Interviewing strategies for helpers: A guide to assessment, treatment, and evaluation.


Academic Year: