Paper Code: 
HHD 423
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to :
1. Understand , aware and sensitized to issues related to care of the elderly 
2. Understand the theoretical perspectives of the aging process.
3. Execute the awareness about the needs and challenges facing the current generation of older adults, 
4. Apply  social/political perspectives, behavioral, and biological aspects of aging, 
5. Remember the ways aging affects areas such as sexuality, family relations, personality, and creativity, 
6. Understand existing and potential careers in the field of aging, and 
7. Understand Factors that would contribute to successful aging. 
Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 423


Student will be able to –

COHD 126: Understand the meaning, stereotypes, demographic data ,and theoretical perspective of aging

COHD 127:Develop  familiarity with the impact and health challenges and concerns of aging.

COHD 128:Explain the adjustment and changing life style in old age.

COHD 129:Identify the policies and programmes for elderly

COHD 130:Appreciate the ways for positive aging and identify the resources and barriers.



Approaches in Teaching:  Interactive Lectures, Mock Activity, Power Point Presentation, Discussion with lectures.



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, field practicals.

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.

Unit I: 
Introduction to Gerontology

  Overview of gerontology, stereotypes  about the elderly

Emergence and scope of gerontology; Demographic profile of the aged in Indian Context; Concept of aging - Social, medical, psychological, occupational changes 
Theoretical Perspectives of Aging – Disengagement theory, activity theory, Human Development theory, Continuity theory, Age Stratification theory, Labeling theory 
Growth & diversity in older population 
Unit II: 
Aging Process

  Impact of aging on Biological/Physiological aspects; Psychological, Economic, Social and Spiritual aspects, 

Health Challenges and Care – physical, psychological, social problems, Factors influencing on health status and care required for aged 
Unit III: 
Adjustment Patterns and changing life style in old age

  Family pattern, Changing roles and the aging family-conjugal, Husband-wife relations, sexual adjustment; marital adjustment; Intergenerational family relations-Grand parenthood, Widowhood/Singlehood; Alternative life styles, Remarriage in later years 

Work, Leisure and retirement patterns – Work-meaning of work, individual motivation; Leisure; Retirement – benefits, Attitude towards retirement; Poverty, poor health retirement and suicide; abandonment, liberation and diachronic solidarity 
Unit IV: 
Policies & Programmes for elderly
Care of the Aged –- Policies and programmes, govt. and non-govt. agencies working for aged
Categories of services Housing, health, leisure time activities; Institution for the aged- Day care Centers; Economic programmes - Re-engagement, Retirement pension, death cum gratuity, provident fund, health insurances, insurance scheme, investment and taxation and property 
Senior citizen Bill Registration 
Career opportunities in Gerontology
Unit V: 
Positive Aging : Resources & Barriers

  Mental health and aging

Diversity in aging : Gender, racial, & socioeconomic  Disparities in health
Recreation and the aged
Seniors as mentors and advisors
Key to positive aging
Essential Readings: 

Books Recommended

Blau, Z. (1983). Old Age in Changing Society, New York: New View Prints. 

Chowdhry Paul D. (1992). Aging and the Aged, New Delhi: Inter India Pub. 
Cox, H. (1984). Later Life: The Reality of Aging, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc. 
Desai, K.G. (1985). Problems of the Retired People in Greater Bombay, Bombay : TISS, Series No.27. 
Kennedy, C. (1988). Human Development, New York: Macmillan. 
Sharma, M. L. &Dak, T.M. (1987). Aging in India: Challenge for the Society, Delhi: Janta Pub. 
Academic Year: