Garment Construction (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
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This is to enable the students:

1. To understand the concept of pattern making, preparation of fabric & fitting.

2. To create awareness about the working process in apparel industry


Unit I: 
  • Common sewing terms
  • Equipments and tools for measuring, drafting, pinning, marking, cutting and sewing
  • Sewing machine- parts & functions, basic operations, defects and remedies
  • Study on inter relationship of needle, thread, and stitch length and fabric.     


Unit II: 
Preparing fabric for cutting
  • Preparing fabric for cutting:  pre shrinking, straightening, pinning, marking and cutting
  • Different types of layouts:  Basic & Economic layouts
  • Layout for a unidirectional prints, stripes, checks and bold prints.


Unit III: 
Pattern Making
  • Introduction to methods of Pattern Making:- Drafting, Flat Pattern, Draping
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Drafting, Flat pattern and Draping
  • Decoding a paper pattern.
  • Difference between Drafting & Paper pattern


Unit IV: 
Components of garment
  • Classification and application of Apparel fabrics, shaping devices, underlying fabrics( underlining, interfacing, Interlinings & Linings), Pockets, neckline treatment, Sleeve treatments, Waist treatments, closures, Plackets, Sleeve treatment, Trimmings & fit.
  • Standard for evaluating the components of a garments.


Unit V: 
  • Definition, fitting room, criteria for judging fit in a basic garment
  • Factors affecting  fit
  • Common fitting problems and their remedies for fitting defects
Essential Readings: 
  1. Kallal, Marry, Jo., Construction, Mac Millan Press Ltd., New York,1985
  2. Doongaji, S. & Deshpande, R., Basic Processes & Clothing Construction, Raaj Prakashan, New Delhi
  3. Stampler, Sharp& Domell, Evaluation of Apparel Quality, Fairchild Publications, New York.
  4. Erwin., Clothing for Moderns, Macmillan Press Ltd, London
  1. Rosenau, J. A. & Wilson., D. L., Apparel Merchandising: The Line Starts Here, Fairchild Publications ltd
  2. Frings, Gini, Stephens., Fashion Concept to Consumer, Prentice Hall International, New Jersey
  3. Kempner, B., The Harmony Guide to Dress Making, Lyric Books Ltd, London
  4. Liechty, Pottersbery, Roseband,1986, Fitting & pattern Alteration. A multi method approach, Fairchild publication, New York.


Academic Year: