Fumdamentals of Nutrition

Paper Code: 
CND 102
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students:

  •       To comprehend the meal management system

•           To understand the relationship between nutrition and human well being

•           To acquire knowledge regarding principles of planning diets


Unit I: 
  1. Introduction to health
  • Dimensions & scope
  • Physical ,mental, social, spiritual, emotional, vocational, etc
  • Concept of Positive Health and wellbeing
  1. Concept and thorough understanding of
  • Definition of food, nutrients, nutrition, malnutrition (over & under nutrition)
  • Nutrient classification of food
  • Basic food group 
  • Recommended Dietary Allowances
  • Dietary guidelines
Unit II: 
  1. Composition , classification, functions, requirements, sources of Macro nutrients:
  • Carbohydrate
  •  Protein
  • Fat
Unit III: 
  1. Composition , classification, functions, requirements, sources of Micro nutrients
  • Vitamins-water soluble(vitamin-B,C),
  •  Fat soluble(vitamin -A,D,E,K)
  • Antioxidants


Unit IV: 
  1. Composition , classification, functions, requirements, sources of Micro nutrients
  •  Minerals & trace elements-calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, sodium, iodine


Unit V: 
  1. Functions & requirements:
  • Water
  • Fiber
  1. Enzymes : functions , classification


Essential Readings: 

1.  Srilakshmi. B. Food Science. New -Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 1997.

2. Swaminathan M. Food Science Chemistry and Experimental foods, The Bangalore Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Mysore, Banaglore 1990.

3. Potter, N.N. Food Science, CBS Publishers and Distributors. Delhi, 1987.



Bennion, M. Introductory Foods. Eight edition. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York. 1985.

2. Bogstrom, G. Principles ofFood Science, Vol I and II, The Macmillian Co., New York, 1968.

3. Charly, H. Food Science. John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York.

4. Griswald, R.M. The Experimental study of foods. Houghton Miffin Co., Boston, 1962.

5. Hughes, Osee. Introduction Foods. The Mac Millan Co, New York, 1962.

6. Lowe, B. Experimental Cookery. John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York.

7. Manay, N.S. and Shadaksharaswamy M. Food Facts and Principles. Second edition, New Age International Publisher, New Delhi 2001.

8. Meyer. L.H. Food Chemistry, CBS Publishers and Distribution, Delhi, 1987.

9. Raina Usha, Kashyap Sushma, Nurala Vinita .Basic Food Preperation , A Complete Manual . Orient Longman     

10. Agarwal, Gupta and Khuteta, Food and Nutrition, Ajmer book Company, Jaipur 2001, Singh Varnda (in Hindi)

11. Gupta. S., Seth, R., Khanna, K. and Mahna, R. Art and Science of Cooking-A Student's Manual, Blaze Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi  1991.

12. Mathur, M., Goyle, A., Gupta, P. and Magon, A Book of Recipes. Indian Book House, Jaipur, 1995.


Academic Year: