Foundations of Human Development (Theory)

Paper Code: 
H.Sc- 103
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to- 

  • Understand basic concepts and principles of human development.
  • Understand various methods of human study.
  • Know scope of human development.


Unit I: 
Introduction to Human Development and Human Psychology
  1. Introduction to Human Development and Human Psychology –          Definition of growth, development, maturation , memory, learning and forgetting, perception, intelligence, individual differences, motivation, adjustment, personality, emotions, dreams, counseling.
  1. Brief introduction to perspective and theories of Human Development
  • Piaget: Cognitive development.
  • Pavlov- Learning
  • Erikson: Psychosocial development
  • Freud: Psychosexual


Unit II: 
Approaches to Study Human Development
  1. Historical development of the field of Human development as a field of study.
  2. Multidisciplinary approaches to the study of Human Development – definition, need,  importance, scope and contribution of fields of Psychology Sociology, Anthropology, Human biology, Medicine and other related fields.


Unit III: 
Employment Opportunities
  1. Opportunities for employment in the field of  research , education –pre-school , normal schools, special schools and University teaching, counseling and guidance, program planning  in government, non-government and voluntary agencies, caretaking of crèches, day-boarding,  anganwadi, youth centers and old age homes .
  1. Qualification of Human Development personnel, roles and responsibilities of the same.


Unit IV: 
Human Development - Conception, Principles, Stages, Aspects
  1. Conception
  2. Principles of development.
  3. Stages of Human Development (in brief).
  4. Aspects of development- Physical , motor, cognitive, social, emotional, language, personality   ( brief  Introduction ).


Unit V: 
Determinants of Growth and Development
  1. Determinants of growth and development – Genes and chromosomes, Heredity  and Environment, Interplay of genetic and environmental influences.
  2. Chromosomal abnormalities : Disorders of autosomes,  Disorders of sex chrosomes- Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, XYY syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, XXY syndrome.


  1. John W. Santrock, Children, Sixth Edition, Mc Graw Hill
  2. Berk, L.E (9th Edition) Child Development, London: Allyn and Bacon
  3. Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988
  4. Thomas, R. M. (1979). Comparing theories of child development Belmont:
  5. California.Decaprio,N.S.Personality Theories:A guide to human nature C.B.S College Publishing,1963
  6. Papalia,D.E.and olds,S.W.Human Development McGraw Hill,1978.
  7. Maier,H.W.Three Theories on Child Development Harper and Row,1978.
  8. Langer,J.Theories of Child Development,Holt Rinehart,1969.
  9. Stott,Leland,H.The Psychology of Human Development, MacMillan Co,1978.
  10. Fundamentals of Genetics by R.P.Meyyan, Saras Publication
  11. Genetics by Strickberger Monroe W. Pren Prentice-Hall; 3 edition (1995)


Academic Year: