Paper Code: 
HFN 423
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the student to:

  • Understand various cooking methods.
  • Plan and organize meals for Institutions,Industries,Special occausions.

I    Quantity cooking  (Concepts, Principles and Techniques)

       The cooking process: General principles

  • Cooking methods (moist, dry, combination)
  • Weight, measures and conversion
  • Recipe conversion

II   Planning and organization of meals for Institutional feeding

  • Mid day snack for pre school children
  • Meals for college canteen
  • Meals for college hostel mess

III  Planning and organization for Industrial catering

  • Railway catering
  • Air catering
  • Industrial catering

IV  Catering for special occasion and events

  • Birthday party
  • Mocktail Party

Convention / Seminar / Conference

Essential Readings: 
  1. West, Wood, Shugart, Harger, 1977 : Food service in Institutions.
  2. Koontz O Donnel - 1976 : Management - A systems contigency Analysis and          Managerial Functions.
  3. Dessler B. 1978: Personnel Management - Modern Concept & Technique.
  4. Kotshevar L.N. Terrekk M.E., 1967 : Food Service Planning, layout and equipment.
  5. Kolshvner L.M. : Standard Principles and Techniques in Quantity Food Production, 1974.
  6. Kinton & Gesarani : The Theory of Catering. Edward Arnold 1974.
  7. Longree K. : Food service sanitation, Waley 1973.
  8. Philip T.E. : Modern Cookery for teaching and Trade Vol - I & II, 1983.
  9. Avery A.C. : Modern guide of food service equipment C.B. Publishing 1981.
  10. Anderson Home Appliance : Servicing D.B. Tareporevda & Sons. 1976.
  11. Fuller J. Chefs : Manual of Kitchen Management B.F. Balefore, 1977.
  12. Minor, L.J. Chicy, R. F. (1984). Food service systems management Connecticut AVI Pub.
  13. Hitchcock, M.J. (1980). Food service system administration Macimillan, New York.
  14. Drucker, P.S. (1975). Management. Allied Publishing, Delhi.
  15. Boella M.J. (1983). Personnel Management in the Hotel and catering industry. Hutchinson, London.
  16. Living stone, G.E. (1979). Food Service System Analysis, Design and Implementation. Academic Press. 
  17. Powers, T.F. and Powers, T.M. (1984). Food Service Operations Planning and control, John Wiley and Sons.
  18. Buchanan, R. D. Armstrong, R.A. Merchant, P. Cleveland, E. Crabrec, S. Varge, E. and Kozeluh L. W (1975). The Anatomy of Food service design. CAHNERS Books. CAHNERS Publ. Co. Inc.
  19. Wood, C. Kluge, E.O. Annssem, P.E. Robinson, S. Golden, P. Clini, F. J Eaton, W.V. (1978). The Anatomy of food service design. C.B.I. Publishing Co.
  1. S. Malhan & M. Sethi, 1989: Catering Management-in Intergrated approach.
  2. Sethi Mohini, 2008: Istitutional Food Management_ New Age International (P)

Limited, Published

Academic Year: