Paper Code: 
HFN 421
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to understand :

  • The Principles underlying the preparation and service of quality food.
  • Developing in students the skill of menu planning for quality and quantity preparation.

.      History and development of food service system:

      a)   Introduction to food service establishment

  • History and development.
  • Factors affecting development.
  • Recent trends.

     b)  Types of food service Establishment

  • Commercial establishment
  • Non-commercial establishment.


2.         Setting up a food service unit:

  • Layout and design
  • Planning team
  • Planning of layout various phases
  • Architectural features
  • Evaluation of Plans
  • Equipments

Menu Planning

  • Importance of Menu planning in food service organization.
  • Types of Menu and its applications.
  • Steps in Menu Planning and its evaluation.

4.         Food Purchasing

Purchasing - A food Management Activity.

  • The market and the Buyer
  • Mode of purchasing (Centralized and group purchasing)
  • Methods of purchasing
  • Identifying needs amounts to buy?
  • (Minimum and maximum stock level and quantities of food to be bought)

5.         Receiving and store room Management


Quality food production

  • Principles of food production.
  • Food production system management (Menu, Ingredient control and production scheduling)
  • Production control (Use of standardized recipes and developing a plan for recipe standardization).
  • Safeguard in food production (quality control)

7.         Quantity food production

  • Kitchen Production
  • General procedure used in Institutional & commercial food production (collecting ingredients, selection of food, weighing and measuring, preliminary treatment of food and food production to achieve consumer satisfaction.)

Delivery and Service of food

  • Food Service system (Model and its significance)
  • Methods of delivery service system (centralized and Decentralized)
  • Choice of delivery system and services
  • Types of food service system (conventional, commissary, ready prepared and assembly serve)
  • Distribution and service in food service system.


9.         Plant and Equipment Maintenance

            a)       Plant and equipment in food services

  • Definition and classification.
  • Types of plant and equipment
  • Maintenance of plant and equipment.
  • Safety concerns
  • Checks and Inspections.
  • Equipment supplies

b)         Plant sanitation and safety

c)         Three E's of safety

  • Safety engineering
  • Safety education
  • Safety enforcement

d)         Standard policies and Schedules


Issues in worker Safety & Security:

            1.         Personal Hygine and Sanitary Practices.

            2.         Sanitation training and education for food service worker.

  • Sanitation training & education
  • Training programme, employment practices.
  • Hazard Analysis and critical control point (HACCP)

11.       Work place Safety:

  • Why and how accidents take place.
  • Precautions to prevent accidents.
Academic Year: