Food Science II

Paper Code: 
FSQ – 201
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students:

  • To understand the definition, concepts and functions of food and nutrition.
  • To learn structure, composition and nutritional contribution of various food products.
  • To understand the effect of processing on food products.

Cereal and Cereal Products

  • Cereal Grains: Structure and compositions
  • Cereal products, Flour and flour quality
  • Extruded foods, breakfast cereals, wheat germ, bulgar, puffed and flaked cereals

Milk and Milk Products

  • Composition, nutritive value
  • Different types of processed milk
  • Home care of milk
  • Curd formation, cheese preparation
  • Effect of cooking, grading of milk.

Meat and poultry

  • Structure and composition
  • Nutritive value
  • Post mortem changes
  • Factors affecting tenderness of meat, effects of cooking.

 Fish and Sea foods

  • Types of composition
  • Storage and changes during storage and processing
  • By Products and new products


  • Structure and composition
  • Nutritive value
  • Effects of cooking
  • Functions of eggs in cookery, quality testing.

Legumes and Pulses.

  • Composition
  • Nutritive value
  • Methods of cooking-soaking, germination, fermentation.

     Nuts and Oilseeds:

  • Composition,
  • Oil extraction and by products


  • Classification and composition
  • Significance
  • Color, pigments, compounds  responsible for flavour, buying and care
  • Changes that occur during cooking, ways to minimize nutritional losses during preparation and cooking.

Fruits and fruit preparations

  • Classification (juicy, pulpy, citrus, other) and composition
  • Nutritional contribution flavour constituents
  • Changes that occur during ripening,

Food adulteration

·         Definition

·         Incidental and intentional adulteration

·         Common adulterants in food and simple tests for detection of food adulterants

Food laws

·               Voluntary and mandatory- national and international                                            

·               Role of voluntary agencies and legal aspects of consumer protection

·               Food standards: FSSA, FPO, AGMARK , CODEX ALIMENTARIUS and others       

·               Consumer laws

·               Food Safety Laws

·               Food additives                    

Essential Readings: 
  1. Srilakshmi. B. Food Science. New - Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 1997.
  2. Swaminathan M. Food Science Chemistry and Experimental foods, The Bangalore Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Mysore, Banaglore 1990.
  3. Potter, N.N. Food Science, 3rd Ed CBS Publishers and Distributors. Delhi, 1987
  4. Bennion, M. Introductory Foods. Eight edition. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York. 1985.
  5. Bogstrom, G. Principles of Food Science, Vol I and II, The Macmillian Co., New York, 1968.
  6. Charly, H. Food Science. John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York, Second edition 1970
  7. Lowe, B. Experimental Cookery. John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York.
  8. Manay, N.S. and Shadaksharaswamy M. Food Facts and Principles. Second edition, New Age International Publisher, New Delhi 2001.
  9. Meyer. L.H. Food Chemistry, CBS Publishers and Distribution, Delhi, 1987.




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