Paper Code: 
FSQ 103
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to understand–

  1. The basic terms and methods used in cooking.
  2. Various food preparations and the principles involved in food preparations.
  3. The portion size and nutritional quality of food product.


Course Outcomes (COs)


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title





FSQ 103

Food Science (Practical)








The students will be able to –


CO10: Define the basic terms and methods used in cooking.

CO11: Demonstrate various food preparation methods and the principles involved in cooking methods.

CO12: Ascertain the portion size and interpret the nutritional quality of a food product.

Approach in teaching:

Laboratory Demonstration, Interactive Lectures, Project.


Learning activities for the students:

Presentation, Giving tasks, Demonstrations






1. Weights and measures, basic terms used in cookery, methods of cooking and table settings.                                                                                      

2. Food preparation, understanding the principles involved nutritional quality and portion size. Beverages - Tea, coffee, mocktails, sodas, sundaes and milk shakes.

  • Carbohydrate rich- porridge, gruels, puri, chapatti, parantha, pastas, pancakes, sandwiches and various rice preparations.                
  • Protein Rich - whole, dehusked, sprouted. Fermented products of various legumes and pulses.
  • Protective foods- vegetable salad, curried and dry vegetable preparation.         
  • Milk and it's products- Indian and western desserts, preparation of paneer, khoa, chenna (Cottage cheese) and curds (Processed).                                                                   
  • Soups- clear and cream including Indian soups.                               
  • Baked products (cakes, biscuits)                  
  • Steamed (direct and indirect)
  • Fried (shallow and deep)     




Academic Year: