Paper Code: 
DHSC 515 (A)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This will enable the students to understand about

  •  the definition, importance and basic terminology of food science.
  • the functional properties of Carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
  • different methods of food preservation
  • food microbiology and hygiene and sanitation practices



Introduction to food science

  • Definition, importance and applications
  • Basic terminology used in food science



Basic food Chemistry

  • Sources, chemistry and functional properties of Carbohydrates, Lipids and Proteins
  • Colloidal chemistry: Definition, classification, properties and applications of sols,

gels, foams and emulsions.



Basic food microbiology

  • Introduction to yeast, mold and bacteria - Characteristics and their role in

preservation and spoilage of food.

  • Hygiene and sanitation practices followed in food processing and waste disposal.

Preservation techniques, principles and their applications

  • High temperature, low temperature, removal of moisture, irradiation and additives.
  • Food packaging and labeling: FSSAI, Codex


  • National and International food laws – FSSAI, BIS, AGMARK, Codex and ISO:

22000, ISO: 9000, ISO: 14000.

  • Quality Assurance procedures - GMP, GHP, HACCP


Essential Readings: 
  1. Amerine, Pangborn and Roessler (1965) Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Foods.  Academic Press New York
  2. Fellows PJ. Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, II edition, CRC Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Cambridge.
  3. Desrosier N W: Elements of Food Technology, Connecticut, USA: AVI Publishing Company.
  4. Srilakshmi. B. Food Science. New - Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 1997.
  5. Swaminathan M. Food Science Chemistry and Experimental foods, The Bangalore Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Mysore, Bangalore 1990.
  6. Potter, N.N. Food Science, 3rd Ed CBS Publishers and Distributors. Delhi, 1987.














Academic Year: