Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to:

  1. Be aware of various quality and safety parameters and factors affecting them
  2. Be aware of the standards of quality & safety and regulating bodies responsible for them.
  3. Understand the ways to ways to maintain & ensure quality and safety.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code



24DFSN 502(A)

Food Quality & Safety





CO51: Assess the concept of food quality, its parameters and its hazards.

CO52:  Identify the contaminants, spoilage microorganisms, microbial hazards and diseases caused by them

CO53: Maintain sanitation & hygiene in food production.

CO54: Evaluate the food safety management system

CO55: Identify the food safety regulations and standards

CO56: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Demonstration, power point presentation,  Field Trip


Learning activities for the students:

Field activities, Presentation,

Class test, CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation,


Unit I: 
Food Quality & Safety
  • Definition of Food Quality, concept of various quality parameters
    • Physical
    • Chemical
    • Nutritional
    • Microbial and
    • Sensory
  • Food Safety – Definition and Importance.
  • Type of hazards – physical, chemical and microbiological
  • Chemical Toxins, Natural Toxins and Adulterants


Unit II: 
Contamination of Food & Food Borne Diseases
  • Microbial hazards (Bacteria, Fungi and Virus)
  • Contamination & Spoilage
  • Food borne Diseases & Symptoms
  • Sources of contamination of foods & method of control of contamination


Unit III: 
Food Sanitation & Hygiene
  • Importance of Sanitation & hygiene in food safety and quality
  • Methods of maintaining sanitation
  • Structure and layout of food premises
  • Kitchen equipment and systems
  • Use of detergent, heat and chemicals
  • Sterilization and Disinfection
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Insect and pest control
  • Waste treatment and disposal


Unit IV: 
Food Safety Management
  • Food Safety Management System
  • Quality Control & Assurance
  • Prerequisites to FSMS (GAP, GMP, GLP)


Unit V: 
Food Safety Standards & Regulations
  • Food Safety Act
  • FSSAI- Role & significance
  • Voluntary and Compulsory standards
  • ISO, Agmark and Codex Alimentarius


Essential Readings: 


  1. Frazier, W.C. and Westhoff, D.C. (2015). Food Microbiology. McGraw Hill Education (India)  Private Limited, New Delhi.
  2. Roday S. Food Hygiene and sanitation, McGraw Hill Education, 2017
  3. Singh K., Hygiene and Sanitation in Hotel Industry, Naman Publisher &      Distributors, 2011 
  4. Bruce, A.H. Kitchen sanitation and food hygiene, ITT Educational Pub, 2016
  5. Rao, E. S. (2013) . Food Quality Evaluation. First Edition, Variety Book    Publishers, New Delhi. 
  6. Mathur, P. (2018). Food Safety and Quality Control. Hyderabad: Orient Black Swan Pvt. Ltd.,
  7. Walker, R and E. Quadrucci Nutritional and Toxicological Aspects of food Processing, CRC Press



1.     Adams M & Moss, M. Food Microbiology, 2nd Edition,. RSC                        Publishing. ISI publications, 2008

2.     PFA Act,1954

3.     Jacob. Chemical Methods in Food Analysis, CBS Publications and               Distributors, New Delhi, 1999.

4.     Klara Miller. Toxicological Aspects of Foods. Elsevier Applied                       Sciences,  London, 1987



E Resources

1. hygiene-and-sanitation-in-food-sector/


3.              10.pdf

Academic Year: