Food Processing II

Paper Code: 
FSQ 402
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students:

  • To be aware of food processing technologies
  • To understand various changes occurring in food components during processing


Unit I: 
Additives and preservatives
  • Additives and preservatives
  • Definition of food additives: acids, bases, buffer systems and salts, chelating agents,   antimicrobial agents, sweeteners, stablizers and thickeners, fat replacers, firming texturizers, appearance control and clarifying agents.
  • Flavor enhancers, aroma substances, sugar substitutes, sweeteners, antioxidants
  • Anticaking agents, bleaching agents, protective gases.


Unit II: 


  • Processing and extraction of essential oils and colours, stability, storage and preservation
  • Functional foods and techonology to meet special needs and new advances.


Unit III: 
Fermentation Technology
  • Fermentation Technology
  • Fermentation Technology, yeast, fermented vegetables, beer, vinegar, fermented soya products


Unit IV: 
Extruded foods

Extruded foods – Introduction to extrusion technology, merits and demerits

Unit V: 
Methods of improving properties and nutritional composition of foods (definition and concept)

Methods of improving properties and nutritional composition of foods (definition and concept)                                                                    

  • Genetic engineering
  • Fermentation
  • Germination
  • Enrichment
  • Fortification
  1. Fellows PJ. Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, II edition, CRC Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Cambridge.
  2. Desrosier N W: Elements of Food Technology, Connecticut, USA: AVI Publishing Company.
  3. Srilakshmi. B. Food Science. New - Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi, 1997.
  4. Swaminathan M. Food Science Chemistry and Experimental foods, The Bangalore Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., Mysore, Banaglore 1990.
  5. Potter, N.N. Food Science, 3rd Ed CBS Publishers and Distributors. Delhi, 1987.
  6. Tressler DK and Joslyn MA: Fruit and Vegetable juice production, Connecticut,USA: AVI Publishing Company.
  7. S Dey : Outlines of Dairy Technology, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
  8. Sachrow & Grifin, Food Packing – AVI Publications.
  9. Stanley & Sachrow , Food Packaging.
  10. Bhatia SC., Canning and Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables, - New Delhi India.


Academic Year: