Paper Code: 
HFN 122
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to:

  • Gain deeper knowledge of micro organisms in humans and environment
  • Understand the importance of microorganisms in food spoilage and to learn advanced techniques used in food preservation.
  • Understand the latest procedures adopted in various food operations to prevent food borne disorders and legal aspects involved in such cases.
  • Become aware of the food quality determinants and their estimation methods
  • Historical background, Morphological characteristics, role and significance of micro organisms:
  1. Bacteria
  2. Yeast
  3. Mold
  • Factors affecting growth of microbes in food: Intrinsic and extrinsic factor



Food  Contamination and Preservation                                                             

  • Sources and contamination- Air, water, soil, plants, animals and environment.
  • Principles and methods of food preservation –
  1. Physical methods-drying, freezing, heat treatment, irradiation, high pressure processing
  2. Chemical preservation and natural antimicrobial compounds.
  3. Biologically based preservation systems and probiotic bacteria.



Food  Contamination and Preservation                                                               

  • Sources and contamination- Air, water, soil, plants, animals and environment.
  • Principles and methods of food preservation –
  1. Physical methods-drying, freezing, heat treatment, irradiation, high pressure processing
  2. Chemical preservation and natural antimicrobial compounds.
  3. Biologically based preservation systems and probiotic bacteria.

Food Safety                         

  • Factors affecting food safety   - physical hazards, chemical hazards and biological hazards. Risk and  hazard.
  • HACCP – concept and significance.
  • Personal hygiene and sanitation
  • Waste product handling (disposal of solid and liquid waste).
  • Risk analysis: risk assessment, risk management, risk communication
  • Food packaging: concept, significance and functions, Classification of packaging materials, Interactions between packaging material and food, Labeling requirement and bar coding.


Academic Year: