Food Manufacturing PRACTICAL

Paper Code: 
FSQ 603
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To develop new food products which are marketable and nutritionally and economically viable.
  • To develop entrepreneurial abilities for small scale food industries


  • Traditional foods- Status and need for revival in context of water minded non traditional foods, urbanization and such factors.
  • Product Development: Primary processing, Secondary Processing. Types of products eg. Quick cooking, fast foods, fabricated foods, convenience foods, ready to eat foods
  • Packaging and Labeling, Research and testing
  • Sensory evaluation
Essential Readings: 
  1. Association of food scientist and techonologist(India). Trends in Food science& Techonology. Proceedings of second international food science and techonology (IFCON-88 Feb,18-13(FTR) Mysore.

2. Ritson, C. Gofton L, Me Kenzie J. The food consumer . John Willey & sons New york 1986.

3. Hayes G.D. Food engineering data hand book. Longman Scientific and technical New York 1987

4. Bemder , FE. , Kramer, A. , Kahan , G. System analysis for the food  industries AVI Publication .Co. Connecticut. 1976

Academic Year: