This course will enable the students to understand to:
Course |
Learning outcome (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course title |
24CFSN 202 |
Food Chemistry – Practical (Practical)
CO17: Analyze the proximate food components and vitamins in foodsCO18: Assess the changes in food components brought about by cookingCO19: Compile comprehensive practical records for assessment of food components, evaluation of changes in food components upon processing and cultivate vocal skills to converse effectively with examiners. CO20: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction |
Approach in teaching:Demonstration, DiscussionLearning activities for the students:Hands on experience of food product analysis |
Class test, CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentations |
1. Meyer. L.H. Food Chemistry, CBS Publishers and Distribution, Delhi, 2006.
2. Chopra, H.K. Food Chemistry, Alpha Science International Ltd, 2010
3. Ramani, A.V. Food Chemistry, MJP Publishers, 2015
4. Stephen N.M. Text book on Food chemistry, Narendra Publishing House, 2019
5. Potter, N.N. Food Science, 3rd Ed CBS Publishers and Distributors. Delhi, 2007
6. Rao, K.R. (1986) Textbook of Biochemistry, III Edition. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
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4. chemistry51688453