Food Analysis (PRACTICAL)

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This course will enable the students to understand:

  • To gain knowledge regarding modern methods of food analysis
  • To gain insight into techniques used for analysis microbial quality of foods
  • Titratable acidity & pH
  • Estimation of Proximate composition – moisture, fat, carbohydrate, crude protein, fibre, ash.
  • Quantitative estimation of vitamin-C
  • Quantitative estimation of minerals – calcium, iron and phosphorus
  • Different methods of sterilization and disinfections
  • Preparation of media
  • Bacterial staining
  • Fungal Staining
  • Water potability tests
  • Standard Plate Count for water and  foods
Essential Readings: 
  1. Bewitt. Microbiological assay
  2. Joslyn.. methods in food analysis
  3. Jacob. Chemical methods in food analysis
  4. Egan and Sawyer. Pearson’s chemical  analysis of foods
  5. Kirk R.S and Sawyer R. Pearson’s Composition and Analysis of Foods, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 1999.
  6. ISI Handbook of Food AnalysisParts I, II, III` & IV. Indian Standard Institutes. 1984.
  1. Lee. Elementary principles of lab instruments


Academic Year: