Paper Code: 
CND 202
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the student

• To know the factors affecting the nutrient needs during different stages of life cycle & the RDA

for various age groups

• To gain knowledge of dietary modification for weight management


  • Introduction, importance & goals of Meal planning
  • Basic principles of meal management
  • Steps in meal management
  • Factors affecting meal management - Nutritional, socio-cultural, religious, geographic, economic, availability of time & material resources
  • Use of convenience foods in Meal planning




Meal management for -

  • Infants
  • Preschool children
  • School children




Meal management for -

  • Adolescents
  • Adult
  • Old age



Special nutrition for

  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Sports
  • Space
  • Higher altitude



  • Energy modifications and nutritional care for weight management
    • Identifying the overweight and obese individuals, factors contributing to obesity, low energy diets, balanced energy reduction, behavioural modification and prevention
    • Underweight – etiology and assessment, high energy diets for weight gain.


  • Functional foods: probiotics, neutraceuticals


  • Methods of improving nutritional quality of foods : fermentation, germination, , fortification



Essential Readings: 
  • Srilakshmi, B. 1997 Dietetics. New Age International (P) Ltd, Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Robinson CH, Lawler MR, Chevoweth WL, Garwick AE. Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition. Mac Millan Publishing Company, New York, 1982.
  • Swaminathan, M. 1997. Principles of Nutrition and Dietetics. The Bangalore Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd, Bangalore. (1997 reprinted)
  • Khanna, K., Gupta, S., Pass, S.J, Pass, S.J, Seth, R., Mahan, R. and Puri, S. 1997 Texbook of Nutrition and Dietetics. Phoenix Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
  • Antia, F.P and Abraham, P. 1997 Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition. Oxford University Press, New Delhi (4 Ed)
  •  Begum, M.R. 1996. A Text Book of Foods, Nutrition and Dietetics. Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. (Revised 2 Ed)
  • Bamji, M.S, Rao, N.P. and Reddy, V., 1999. Textbook of Human Nutrition Oxford & IBH publishing Co Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
  • Burtis, G., Davis, J. and Martin, S. 1998. Applied Nutrition and Diet Therapy.
  • B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
  • Garrow, J.S, and James, W.P.t, 1994. Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Churchill Livingstone, New York. (4 Ed)


Academic Year: