Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to:

1.   Understand the goals, significance and functions of marriage

2.   To understand the concept of family , parenthood and parent child relationship

3.   Analyze family life cycle.

4.   Evaluate problems related to family and women.

5.   Remember social structure.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessmen t


Course Code













24HHD 122












Student will be able to


COHD7 : Discuss the approaches of family dynamics and Identify the macro-level changes in Indian families.

COHD8 : Analyse the role of kinship and society on personality development and the impact of family life education on families.

COHD9 : Explain the marriage and its related problems, readiness, adjustments, and counselling.

COHD10 : Assess the alternate forms of marriage and identify the reasons and characteristics for their formation COHD11 : Discuss the factors, status, problems, laws, and interventions related to women.

COHD12: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction

Approaches in Teaching: Interactive Lectures, Reading assignments, Power Point Presentation,



Learning activities for the Students: Relevant books, papers – students read, collate and make presentations on selected theme

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments

, CA test , Semester End Examination



Unit I: 

·    Definition of family from different perspectives.

·    Families across different cultures

·    Approaches to family study-

·   Development approach

·   Interactional approach

·   Institutional approach

·   Structural functional approach

·   Systems approach

·    Changing structural and functional aspects of Indian family.

·    Family life cycle and their developmental task


Unit II: 
Personality and society

·    Kinship: Types of Kinship, degree of kinship, range of a kinship system, kinship descent, kinship usages, kinship and their influence on the child.

·    Society: Structure- rural & urban, modern society and its influence on the family.

·    Personality and society - Inter-relation, cultural influences on human personality and social behavior

·    Family life education.


Unit III: 

·    Marriage -Concept, need, importance

·    Readiness for marriage- physiological, social, psychological, economical etc.

·    Adjustments in marriage- sexual, economical, in- laws, parenthood

·    Problems in marriage- desertion, separation, divorce, widowhood and remarriage.

·    Marital and pre-marital counseling

Unit IV: 
Changing trends

·    Effect of modernization on marriage.

·    Employment of women and family conflict & adjustment

·    Generation Gap and adjustment

·    Alternatives to marriage – co-living, living single, child marriage, group marriage, lesbianism and gay culture.

Unit V: 
Issues & Interventions

·    Status of women- Demographic, political, social, educational, economic, legal.

·    Factors influencing status, roles and responsibilities of men and women.

·    Problems of women- Dowry, suicide, health, women and mass media, sexual exploitation, women criminals, prostitution, eve teasing , rape.

·    Woman and the Law: Legislation pertaining to marriage, property, Hindu-marriage act, Hindu succession act, Anti dowry act.

·    Intervention and relief programs- family violence, battered women, child maltreatment, sexual abuse, separation and divorce, mother employed outside.


Essential Readings: 

·    Patel, T. (2002). (Ed.). The Family in India: Structure and Practice. New Delhi: Sage.

·    Georgas, J., Berry, J. W., van de Vijver, F. J. R., Kağitçibaşi, Ç., & Poortinga, Y. H. (Eds.). (2006). Families across cultures: A 30-nation psychological study. Cambridge University Press.


·    Macionis,J.J. (2006). Sociology. Delhi: Pearson.

·    Sonawat, R. (2001). Understanding Families in India: A Reflection of Societal Changes. Unit for Family Studies, TISS (1991). Research on familieswith .problems in India: Issues and implications (Vol. I). Bombay TISS

·    Research on families with problems in India. Bombay. TISS. 5. Shrivastava.N.(Ed). 2010

·     Strong B., DeVault.C & Cohen T.F. 2011. The Marriage and Family Experience- Intimate Relationships in a Changing Society (11 th Ed).

·    Roopnarine, J. L. (2000). Kakar's psychoanalytic interpretation of Indian childhood: The need to emphasize the father and multiple caregivers in the socialization equation. International Journal of Group Tensions , 29 (3-4),

·    Selin, H. (2014). Parenting across cultures: Childrearing, motherhood and fatherhood in non- western cultures. Springer, Dordrecht.

·    Sharma, D. (2000). Infancy and childhood in India: A critical review. International Journal of Group Tensions , 29 (3-4), 219-251.


Academic Year: