Evaluating Apparel Quality

Paper Code: 
HCT144 H
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To familiarize students with different apparel quality standards, their underlying principles and the international accepted standards.
  • To test methods and develop ability to analyse and interpret the results and predict the quality control.


Unit I: 
Unit I
  • Spreading and cutting, marker types and calculations, spreading process and spreading equipment’s
  • Types of cutting machines, ticketing and bundling.
  • Components of sewing: threads, needles, machinery and equipment’s for sewing


Unit II: 
Unit II
  • Postproduction machinery and processes, machines – bar tack, button and button holes
  • Garment finishing- stain removal, dry cleaning, cleaning and pressing
  • Types of packages, types of materials used for packing
  • Production system types: making through, section or process system, progressive bundle system, straight line or syncro system, manual or mechanical system, salient features and specific uses


Unit III: 
Unit III
  • Quality control- scope and functions of quality control; quality specifications and standards in raw material purchasing, quality control in spreading, cutting and bundling products
  • Quality factors in sewing, pressing, folding and finishing; quality aspects of trims and fashions
  • Standards –sources of application; national and international organizations for standards
  • Inspection techniques and quality auditing system


Unit IV: 
Unit IV
  • Garment testing- Introduction, precision and accuracy of test methods, atmospheric conditions for testing, strength properties of apparel
  • Dimensional changes in apparel due to laundering, dry cleaning, steaming pressing and color fastness, drapabilty and crease recovery


Unit V: 
Unit V
  • Accessories testing- inspection garments using spec sheets, inspecting garments using measuring tape and without using measuring tape.
  • Button quality testing, interlining quality testing, testing of zippers, snap fasteners and sewing threads.
  • Quality costs- inspection procedures for apparel quality control


Essential Readings: 
  • Booth J.E. Principles of Textiles, Newness Butter Worth, London.
  • Gerry C., 1991. Intorduction to Clothing Manufacture. Blackwell.
  • Latheam Barbara & Carr Harold 1999. The technology of clothing Manufacture, Blackwell Science.
  • Ruth G., 1990. Apparel Manufacturing .Macmillan Publ.
  • Saville, B.P. 2002 Physical Testing of Textiles, Woodhead Publishing Limited.


  • Gerry Cooklin. 1997. Garment Technology for Fashion Designers, Blackwell.
  • Pradeep V. Mehta. 1998. Managing Quality in Apparel Industry. New Age International.
  • Jacob Solinger, 1980. Apparel Manufacture. Van Nostrand Reilfold.


Academic Year: