Paper Code: 
HHD 324
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to :

  •  Understand of the various aspects and types of business organizations
  • Apply formation on the various sources of finance and also on the process of setting up small enterprise.
  • Understand the relevance of entrepreneurship and to develop effective entrepreneurship skills among students.
  • To understand the meaning and concept of entrepreneurship and its ecosystem
  • To sensitize and orient students towards identifying entrepreneurial opportunities and market potential

● To impart knowledge for setting up an enterprise and its management


Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 324

Entrepreneurship in services for Women & children

Student will be able to –

COHD95: Understand the concepts of an entrepreneur, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystem in context of India

COHD96: Appreciate the role of entrepreneurial motivation and creativity in innovation.

COHD97: Develop skills in project identification, formulation and appraisal

COHD98: discuss the knowledge for setting up an enterprise.

COHD99: Explain the  role of various funding agencies.


Approaches in Teaching:  Detailed discussion on various entrepreneurs and their characteristics, Mock Activity, Power Point Presentation, Discussion with lectures.



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, field practicals.

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.



Unit I: 
Introduction to Entrepreneurship


  1. Entrepreneurship-Definition, types, characteristics and need
  2. Entrepreneurship development for employment generation- importance
  3. Factors affecting entrepreneurial growth- economic, social, cultural and personal factors.
Unit II: 
Essentials for Entrepreneurship


  1. Personal and professional characteristics of entrepreneur
  2. Qualities of person working with children
  3. Essential qualities for an entrepreneur
  4. Consideration in entrepreneurship: financial consideration, social consideration, ethical consideration
  5. Benefit for developing entrepreneurship for: country, state, society, youth, children, women etc


Unit III: 
Steps in planning for an enterprise


a)      Environment scanning – information, sources, schemes of assistance, problems

b)      Enterprise selection, enterprise, feasibility study, SWOT analysis

c)      Resource mobilization – finance technology, raw material, site and man power

d)     Market assessment, costing and quality control

e)      Steps in Project Development - Proposal format , Objectives ,Funding , Meaning of feasibility, Project registration ,Legal processing, Evaluation report .

Unit IV: 
Setting up an Enterprise


  1. Day care centre, Education Centre for children / Non formal education
  2. Orphanage, Street home, Destitute home
  3. Vocational training centre for women, Working women hostel
  4. Production of teaching aids ,toys and literature
  5. Home for aged persons.
  6. Counseling clinics- testing IQ, EQ
  7. Center for disability
  8. Recreational centers
Unit V: 
Agencies for Development of Entrepreneurship


  1. Government of India’s policy towards promotion of entrepreneurship reservations and sanctions for small scale sector
  2. Role of SSI, Procedures and formalities for setting up SSI
  3. Role of banks and other agencies for development of entrepreneurship
Essential Readings: 
  • Status of Women in India, A Synopsis of the Report of National Committee (1971-74) New Delni, ICSSR 1974,2
  • D’Souza , Alfred: Women in Contemporary India and South Asia, Macha publication, New Delhi, 1970
  • Kapoor, Premilla: Marriage and Working Women in India, Vikas Publication, Delhi. 1970
  • Mitra, Ashok: The Status of Women, Literacy and Employment, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Bombay, 1979
  • International Women’s year book edited by Roy Kinkier, 1975, Bashodhary Publication, Bombay
  • Research Unit on Women Studies, Women in India, SNDT Women University, April, 1981
  • D’SWza, Alfred: Women in contemporary India , Traditional Images and Changing Rules
  • Baker. H.A. Bertheide. G.W. and Others (Eds)(1980). Women Today: A multidisciplinary approach to Women's Studies. Brooks/ Cole Publication.




Academic Year: