To understand the changes that occur in the body as a person ages
To understand the nutritional requirements of the elderly
To identify the most common types of nutritional disorders and deficiencies and the signs and symptoms of each
To understand the role of functional foods in well being of elderly population
Unit I:
Process of Aging
Changes associated with Aging –
Physiological changes – Loss of teeth, Decreased neuromuscular coordination, Impaired hearing and vision, Diminished sense of taste and smell, Anorexia, Physical discomfort
Changes in body composition
Changes in gastro-intestinal tract
Changes in cardiovascular system
Changes in respiratory function
Changes in renal function
Changes in skeletal tissue
Hormonal changes
Socio-psychological changes
Unit II:
Dietary and Nutritional Requirement
Nutrient needs
Recommended dietary allowances
Diet and feeding pattern
Unit III:
Nutrition related problems, management, prevention and control