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This course will enable the students to :

  1. Acquire knowledge on the need and importance of early childhood education. 
  2. Draw information regarding  some of the major issues related to the study of different curriculum. 
  3. Gain information about entrepreneurship in ECE. 

Unit I                                                                                                                            12 Hrs


  1. Basic concepts- Non- formal and formal education, play way method.
  2. Goals of early childhood education.
  3. Significance of the first few years of childhood as an economic investment in the future.
  4. Contribution of  national development plans  policies in Early Childhood Education.
  5. ECCE in Five year Plans, Right to education Act 2009 & ECCE

Unit II                                                                                                                           12 Hrs

a)    Historical review of early childhood education, contribution and philosophies  of Pestallozzi, Commoneius,   McMillan  sisters, , Froebel, Dewey, Rousseau, Montessori, Gandhi, Tagore, Giju Bhai Badeka, Tarabai-Modak. Aurobindo

b). Developing child and domains of growth


Unit III                                                                                                                          12 Hrs


  1. Principles of program planning, long and short term planning ( daily, weekly, monthly, annual ) , teaching strategies
  2. An integrated pedagogy and principles for curricular framework in ECCE
  3. Play, development and learning in ECCE
  4. Capacity Building & collaborative approach with parents, family and community in ECCE.


Unit IV                                                                                                                          12 Hrs

a)    Organisational set up of institution of early childhood education-

  1. Physical infrastructure.
  2. Site and location.
  3. Space allotment for indoor & outdoor activities.
  4. Equipment for various developments, principles of selection .
  5.  Essential skills and competencies for childcare professionals
  6.  Records and Registers- Simple book keeping and accounting, working out balance sheet, calculation, profit and loss, values and types, using and maintaining records.
  1. Cost and financial management- direct, indirect, fix, variables, break even analysis, source of finance (Addition in this unit).


Unit V                                                                                                                       12 Hrs

  1. Home- school relationship- Need, methods, parent involvement and education.
  2. Evaluation, techniques and devices for evaluation of children and programmes.
  3. Human and technical skills, and management   competencies required for successful 

administration of  business enterprise.

Essential Readings: 

Books Recommended:


  1. Fine Marvin J. Eds (1980), Hand Book on Parent Education, Academic press, Inc.
  2. Kulkarni S.S. (1988), Parent Education: Perspectives of approaches.
  3. Mohanti and Mohanti (1996), Early Childhood Care and Education, New Delhi, Deep and DeepPublication
  4. Brothy,J.E.Good,T.L.and Nedler,S.L.Teaching in Preschool Harper and Raw,1975.
  5. Spodek,B.Hand book of Research in Early childhood education Collier Macmillan,1982.
  6. Jill K.R.Nursery schools for all,Neil,1972.
  7. Muralidharan,N.The systems of preschool education in India.Indian Association for preschool Education,1968.