Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to :
1.   Understand genetic foundation of life & prenatal development.
2.   Understand care of neonate, their capabilities and assessment
3.   Remember the developmental milestones and development during infancy
4.   Understand development during childhood and factors influencing the development


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessmen t


Course Code












24HHD 124










Student will be able to

COHD19 : Evaluate the significance, objectives and stages of early childhood

COHD20 : Identify developmental delay and compare the curriculum and pedagogy of ECCE based on different philosophies given by thinkers.

COHD21 : Explore the Essential features and component of ECCE curriculum and pedagogical strategies COHD22 : Evaluate the program policies and issues related to ECCE COHD23 : Develop the skills of engaging young children

COHD24 : Contribute effectively in course specific interaction

Approaches in Teaching: Lecture & discussion specific to current research in ECCE

, Audio visual resources, Experiential learning through demonstration


Learning activities for the Students: Self -directed /: Read joournal articles, books to collate information on need and rationale of ECCE, assignments, field


Quiz. PPT, Group discussion, Class test focusing on definitions, short notes, match the following,ass ignments, CA test , Semester End Examination



Unit I: 
Early Childhood Education

·    Childhood- Meaning , Importance of early childhood in the lifespan
·    Significance of early childhood: neuro- science perspective, rights perspective,                       economic investment and the criticality of early years in the human life cycle
·    Goals and objectives of ECCE within an integrated and whole child approach- present status of ECCE in India
·    Sub Stages in ECCE – Birth to 3 years: Three to six years & Six to eight years

Unit II: 
Developmental delay during Childhood and ECE philosophies

·    Developmental delay, early detection and intervention
·    Contributions and writings of thinkers such as Tagoreji, Gandhjii, Gijubhai Badheka, Tara Bai Modak, Montessori and Froebel for early childhood education
·    Different kinds of early childhood settings and the role in meeting needs of children in crèches, anganwadis, balwadis, mobile crèche, fee paying ECCE centers & ECCE centers run by NGOs.

Unit III: 
Early Childhood care & Education Curriculum and Pedagogy

·    Essential features and component of ECCE curriculum
·    School Readiness-3R’s
·    Play, development and learning in ECCE
·    Programme Planning- Types and principles
·    Understanding different approaches to learning with emphasis on “child as an active learner”: - Holistic approach, active participation, child centeredness, constructivism
·    Balancing between discipline- participation, exploring and mediation, self directed and guided activity

Unit IV: 
Policy, Programmes and issues in ECCE

·    National policy on education (1986) on ECCE, National Plan of Action (2015)
·    ECCE in Right to Education Act, 2010
·    National Policy on ECCE ( 2013)
·    NCF for foundation stage, 2022
·    ECCE in New Education policy 2020
·    Programmes: ICDS, Mobile crèche, Rajiv Gandhi crèche scheme
·    Issues in ECE in India: Salience to ECCE for national development, issue of equity, quality, regulation and monitoring of ECCE

Unit V: 
Methods of engaging with children

·    Music and movement and the appeal of rhythm
·    Free conversations, free hand drawing, creative activity, role play, drama as sources of learning
·    Story-telling and its functions in imagination and cultural literacy
·    Indoor and outdoor play in structured and free situations
·    TLMs for ECCE
·    Cooperation and Collaboration with parents, families, and the community

Essential Readings: 

·    Mishra R.C. , 2005; Early Childhood care & education, A.P.H. publishing Corporation , New Delhi- 110 002
·    Mangal, S. K. and Shubhra' Mangal (2019), Creating an Inclusive School, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
·    Mohanti and Mohanti (1996), Early Childhood Care and Education, New Delhi, Deep and DeepPublication
·    M.Sen Gupta, 2013; Early Childhood Care & Education. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Delhi


·    S. Vekataiah (2004), Child Education, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd. 7. R. C. Mishra (2009), Early childhood care and Education, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation
·    Aparajitha Chowdhury and Rita Chowdhury (2002), Pre- School Children Development car and Education, New age International Publishers.
·    Geva M. Blenkin and A. V. Kelly (2002), Early Childhood Education a developmental curriculum, Paul Chaoman Publishing Ltd.
·    G. Pankajam (2005), Pre-Primary education Philosophy and Practice, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.

Academic Year: