Dynamics Of Marriage &Family (Theory)

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The course will enable the student to

  1. Understand the goals, significance and functions of marriage
  2. To understand the concept of family , parenthood and parent child relationship


Unit I: 
  1. Marriage - Meaning, significance and functions of marriage
  2. Readiness for marriage- physiological, social, psychological, economical etc.
  3. Alternatives to marriage – co-living, living single, child marriage, group marriage, lesbianism and gay culture.
  4. Adjustments in marriage- sexual, economical, in- laws, parenthood and problems in marriage desertion, separation, divorce, widowhood and remarriage.
  5. Legal aspects of marriage, marital and pre marital counseling


Unit II: 
1. Structure ,composition, functions, classification, advantages and disadvantages of Family
  1. Structure ,composition, functions, classification, advantages and disadvantages- traditional/ joint , families in transition/ extended, modern/ nuclear, Stages of family life cycle.Changing pattern of family in India
  2. Single parent families, dual earning career families, childless, reconstituted, surrogated and a typical family, Gay and Lesbian families, families with adopted children, Blended families.
  3. Crisis in family- migration, alcoholism, drug abuse, infidelity, death, suicide, disability, financial crisis, breakup of extended family, desertion, separation, divorce, widowhood, remarriage.


Unit III: 
Roles of Parents
  1. Roles and responsibilities of parents.
  2. Significance of good parenting
  3. Parenting styles
Unit IV: 
Impact of westernization
  1. Impact of westernization, modernization and mass media on family and children,
  2. Family violence, marital problems and child maltreatment-incidence, origin, consequences and prevention.


Unit V: 
Understanding basic sociological concepts
  1. Society, socialization, community, institution, social groups.
  2. Culture – Meaning, importance, cultural components – norms, custom, folkways.
  3. Social Changes – Meaning, importance and associated factors.
  4. Social Control– Meaning of social control.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Bryan String and Cristine Gevault The Marriage and Family Experience 4th Ed. Best Publishing Company, Mary and Lamanna and Agenesric Dmann.
  2. Ball E; and Miller, D.C. (1985). Marriage and Family Development (6th Ed.) New York. Harper and Row.


  1. Bill R. Gear Heart, Melw. Wvisha and Parol J. Gear Heart; The Exceptional Students in the Regular Class Room 5th Ed. McMillan Publishing Company, New York.
  2. Berk D.P. and Driur, B. (1989). Variant Life Style and Relationships. Family Studies Text Series, II Ed, Sage New Delhi.
  3. Connier sasse, Families today, Glencoe McMillan/McGraw Hill, New York.
  4. Charles Hall Inc. Engle Wood. Cliff, New Jersey.
  5. George, E.Dickenson and Miachel R. Leming, Understanding Families. Diversity, Continuity and Change, Allyn and Bacon.
  6. Hutter, M. (1988). The Changing Family. Comparative Perspective 2nd Ed. New York, McMillan.
  7. Marriage and Families. Making Choices and Facing Change (3rd Ed.) Wavworth Publishing Company, Bellmont California.


Academic Year: