Dyeing and Printing (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To impart the knowledge about preparation of fabric for dyeing & printing.
  2. To study application of various dyes and properties related to it.
  3. To inculcate awareness of the different methods of printing and appreciate the technical advantages of each.
  4. To develop technical competency in printing with different dyes on different fabrics.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcomes                      (at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title






24HCT 223

Dyeing and Printing



COCT47: Describe the various methods of pre-treatments of fabric for dyeing and printing

COCT48: Classify the types of dyes, stages of dyeing and the process of dyeing of various fibers with different dyes

COCT49: Determine the colour and colour mixing/instruments for measurements of color

COCT50: Explain mechanism of various printing techniques with different dye medium

COCT51: Analyze the styles of printing and special printing procedure

COCT52:Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in Teaching:

Discussion, Interactive Lectures, Power Point Presentation, Demonstrations

Learning Activities for the Students:

Self-Learning Assignments

Quiz, Power Point Presentations, Chart/Poster Presentation, Individual and Group Projects, Semester End Examination



Unit I: 
Unit I

Dyeing and Preparation of Fabric:                                                                       

  • Pre-treatment’s of fabric for Dyeing and Printing – scouring, bleaching, singeing, 


  • Specific preparatory steps for cotton, wool, silk and man-made fibers.


Unit II: 
Unit II

Dyeing Mechanism                                         

·Dye, classification of dyes, Chemical constitution of dyes

·Theory of Dyeing

  • Dyeing with synthetic dyes.
    • Direct, vat, reactive sulphur, Azoic (for cellulosic)
    • Acid, basic (for proteins)
  • Stages of dyeing – fiber dyeing, yarn dyeing, fabric dyeing, garment dyeing, their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Union dyeing and cross dyeing.
  • Dyeing defects and remedies.


Unit III: 
Unit III


  • Introduction of colour – colour & colour mixing
  • Colour Perception
  • Instruments for measurements of color
  • Defective colour vision


Unit IV: 
Unit IV
  • Introduction to Printing, difference between dyeing and printing.
  • Historical development of printing methods – block, screen, stencil, roller and rotary.
  • Preparation of printing paste – Thickening agents and their suitability for various

            classes of dyes and fibers.


Unit V: 
Unit V

Printing Procedure                                                                    

  • Styles of Printing – Direct, resist, discharge.
  • Special Printing Procedures – Transfer Printing, Flock Printing, Foam Printing, Damask Printing.



Essential Readings: 
  1. Prayag, R.S. (1989), Technology of Textile Printing, Dharwad Karnataka Shree J Printers.
  2. Shenai, V.A. (1987), Chemistry of Dyes and Principles of Dyeing, Sevak Prakashan, Mumbai.
  3. Shenai, V.A. (1996), Technology of Printing, Technology of Textile Processing, Vol. IV, Sevak Publications. Bombay
  4. Gohl & Vilensky (1980), Textile science, 2nd ed., CBS Publications, New Delhi.


  1. Jain Hemlatha (2010), Techniques of dyeing and printing, Anne books Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
  2. Sekhri Seema (2011), Text Book of Fabric Science fundamentals to Finishing, PHI Learning Pvt, Ltd, New Delhi.
  3. Chaudhary, A. K. Roy (2006), Textile Processing and dyeing, Scienec pulications, New Delhi.
  4. Miles L.W.C. (1994), Textile Printing, 2nd edition, England, Society of Dyers and Colourists


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oofh4pKfXl0
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oofh4pKfXl0&list=RDCMUC640y4UvDAlya_WOj5U4pfA&start_radio=1&rv=oofh4pKfXl0&t=15

Reference Journals:

  1. https://irispublishers.com/jtsft/
  2. Colourage (https://colourpublications.in/pages/publications/)
  3. Dyes and Pigments (https://www.journals.elsevier.com/dyes-and-pigments/)



Academic Year: