Developmental Activities for Children

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to :

  • Understand and evaluate different aspects of ECCE center
  • Create blueprints for ECCE center, plan for PTM, counselling sessions and workshops related to parenting issues.
  • Understand and Create creative and leisure time activities for children.
  • Evaluate and create IEC materials and script for TV, Radio Programs for early childhood


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24ECE 233


Developmental Activities for





CO28: Develop the Blueprint for centers of early childhood education, Compare and classify various IEC materials for early childhood. And design their layout

CO29: Develop plan for organizing workshop, PTM or counselling session, Create scripts for radio, and T.V programs on developmental issues.

CO30:  Compile comprehensive practical records on disabled children and cultivate verbal communication skills to converse effectively with examiners

CO31: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approaches in

Teaching: Lecture & discussion specific to current research in ECCE, Audio visual resources, xperiential learning through demonstration Learning activities for the Students:

Self -directed /: Read journal articles, books to collate information on need and rationale of ECCE, assignments, field


Quiz. PPT,

Group discussion, Class test focusing on definitions, short notes, match the following, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.



  1. Visit to ECE centre assessing and comparing the use of space, appropriateness of play equipments and materials and their use, Records and register maintained, Adequacy and eligibility of ECCE staff and their evaluation pattern.
  2. Preparing blueprint of centers of early childhood education- organizational structure, physical and human infrastructure and finance
  3. Planning & Organizing a parent Education program-workshop, PTM, Counseling session
  4. Bulletin board display relating to parenting issues
  5. Content analysis of various IEC material for development messages.
  6. Designing layouts for various IEC materials
  7. Writing scripts on selected developmental issues for radio, and T.V programmes.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Hurlock, E.B., Child Development McGraw Hill, New York 1988.
  2. Subash C. Arya, Infant and child care for Indian Mothers. Vikas Publishers, Delhi 1972.



Suggested Reading

  1. Devadas, R.P. and Jaya. N. Text Book of child development McMullan and Co., 1981.
  2. Gosh, S. The feeling and care of infants and young children UNICEF, New Delhi 1976.


E resources




Academic Year: