Paper Code: 
ECE 332
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to :
Understand the meaning, nature and scope of guidance
Understand the meaning of and the need for group guidance
Appreciate the need for guidance
Develop acquaintance with various techniques of group guidance
Become acquainted with the skills and qualities of an effective counselor.
Unit I: 
1. Counseling: concept
2. Types of counseling
3. Personality and background of counselor
4. Ethical aspects of counseling
Unit II: 
Techniques of counseling
Directive, non- directive, eclectic, behavioral , psycho-  dynamic,  rapport technique, questioning
Listening, reflection, acceptance, silence, leading, reassurance, non- verbal behavior, terminating  skills, structuring the process, reassurance, non-verbal communication, , recording counseling process
Unit III: 
Process and therapies of counselling
1.Process of counseling-
Stage- 1- Relationship Building, Problem exploration and clarification.
Stage- 2- Developing new perspectives and setting goals.
Stage- 3- Implementation and evaluation.
2.Counseling therapies- Rational -emotive, cognitive- behavior,
Play therapy, Psycho- drama, transactional analysis, remedial
and     corrective measures, role of reward and punishment
Unit IV: 
Counseling Children
Children of divorced/ step/ single/ unwed parents, children from alcoholic, abusing families, latch- key / homeless children, counseling children about death/ life/ diseases.           
Counseling children with anti- social attitude- destructiveness/ self destruction, tantrums, lying, stealing, negativism and resistant behavior, socially disadvantaged, drug addicts, alcoholics, aggression, truancy
Unit V: 
Counseling Children
Counseling children with self conflicts and their parents- emotionally disturbed, academic problem, truancy, day dreaming, shyness, withdrawal, short attention span, phobias, depression, crisis, bed wetting, nail biting, stealing.
Counseling children with terminal/ chronic diseases- Cancer HIV/ AIDS and     Thalassemia
Essential Readings: 
Axline, V. M. (1947). Play therapy. New York: Ballantine Books.
Brammer, L. M. (1985). The helping relationship: Process & skills. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Hackney, H. & Cormier, L. S. (1979).Counseling strategies and objectives. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Thornburg, H.E. (1975). Contemporary Adolescence: Readings. Belmont: Wadsworth.
Hetherington, E. M. & Parke, R. D. (1979). Child psychology: A contemporary viewpoint. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill.
Academic Year: