This course will enable students
material for them.
nutrition related welfare programme. An Overview of
1. Nutrition Foundation of India Bulletin, New Delhi.
2. Nutrition News. NIN, Hyderabad.
3. Park, J.E. and Park, K. 2000. Text Book of Preventive and Social Medicine. Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers, Jabalpur.
4. Jeannette B. Endras, 1999. Community Nutrition Challenges and Opportunity Merril , an imprint of prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Colum Ohio.
1. Rao, B.S.N. Deosthale, Y.G. and Pant, K.C. 1998 (Revised and updated).Nutrition value of Indian Foods by Gopalan. C. Ramashastri, B.V. and Balasubraman S.C., NIN, ICMR,Hyderabad.
2. Gopaldas, T. and Seshadari, S. 1987. Nutrition Monitoring and Assessment.Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
3. McLaren, D.S. 1977. Nutrition in the Community John Wiley and Sons, Chichest.
4. Jelliffe. D.B. 1966. The Assessment of the Nutritional Status of the Community.WHO, Geneva.
5. Jeliffee, N. 1962. Clinical Nutrition. Hoeber Medical Division, New York.
6. Nutritious Recipes. For Complementary Feeding of Infants & Young Children. Food & Nutrition Board .MWCD Govt. of India (2008)