Children with Special Needs

Paper Code: 
ECE 331
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the student to-

  • Understand past and existing status of child in Indian context
  • Know about the needs of special children
  • Provide practical solutions to common pre-school behavior problems
  • Role of different organizations towards early childhood care for normal and special children
Unit I: 
  1. Impairment, Disability, Handicap: Concept & Definition
  1. UN Charter of Rights of Person with Disabilities
Unit II: 
  1. Physical and health impairments- Orthopedic, neurological, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, limb deficiency, epilepsy, diabetes, asthama, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, AIDS
  2. Visual impairment, legal blindness, Braille
  3. Hearing impairment, sound, audiometry, degree, dactylology
  4. Intelletual Disability
Unit III: 
  1. Communication disorder- speech disorder ( articulation, fluency disorder, voice disorder), language disorder- aphasia
  2. Giftedness
  3. Emotional disturbance
  4. Autism
  5. Learning disability
Unit IV: 
Rehabilitation Perspectives
  1. Education for independent living
  2. Job opportunities
  3. Housing & residential facilities
  4. Gender issues and disabilities
Unit V: 
  1. Integration – advantages and disadvantages
  2. Prevention of disabilities- Techniques for pre natal assessment, chorionic villus sampling- fetoscopy, amniocentesis, ultrasound, maternal blood analysis, genetic counselling
  3. 3.Counselling parents of children with special needs


Essential Readings: 
  1. Gedkar,E.Disabled in India,somaiya,1983.
  2. Lilly Stephen,M. Children with Exceptional Needs,Holt,Rinehart,1979.
  3. CroockShank,W.M. Psychology of Exceptional Children and youth, "New Jersey,Prentice Hall", 1958.
  4. Baker,H.J.,Introduction to exceptional children,NewYork,Macmillan Co.,1959.
  5. Dunn,L.M.(ed) "Exceptional children in the schools", Holt Rinehart & Winston,1963.
  6. Kirk,S.A.Education "Exceptional children" Hinghton,Miffhir,1962.
  7. Heek,A.O., "Education of Exceptional children", New York,McGraw Hill,1953.
  8. Garrison,K.C.andForce,Dewy,G.the Psychology of Exceptional children,NewYork,fourthedition,theRonals Press Co.,1965
  9. Frampton and Rowell,Education of the handicapped.
  10. Good enough,Florence,Exceptionalchildren,NewYork,appleton century Lnafhs,1956.

Ellis,N.(ed) Hand book of Mental deficiency Psychological theory & Research

Academic Year: