Paper Code: 
HHD 424
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Course Objectives:
This course will enable the students to :
1. Understand  the various methods of studying characteristics and  behavior in various handicaps.  
2. Apply knowledge of definitions, etiology, diagnosis, and assessment of childhood disabilities 
3. Create an understanding of the approaches and practices for inclusion
4. To understand the empowerment of children and families 

Course Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 424

Children with Disabilities

Student will be able to –

COHD 131: Describe the basic definition, needs ,problems and classification  of special children 

COHD 132:Understand the legislation and policies and programmes for children with special needs.

COHD 133:Organize knowledge about the definition, causes, classification and assessment of visual , hearing and orthropaedic impairment

COHD 134:Develop the concept of the basics about intellectual ,autism, learning disability and communication disorder in detail.

COHD135:Develop familiarity with the education, intervention and collaborative approach towards inclusion.

Approaches in Teaching:  Lecture on etiology and diagnosis, , Mock Activity, Power Point Presentation, Discussion with lectures.



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, field practicals, Examine select readings on disabilities, Invited expert speakers on select disabilities

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, Preparing teaching learning aids for CWD Documenting adaptations for CWD in inclusive set upsassignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.


Unit I: 
Concept of Differently Abled Children

Con             Differently Abled Children- Concept, Definition , Needs, Problems and classification  Of Special Children.

Distinction between  impairments, disability, handicap.
Significance of Early intervention and diagnosis of disabilities 
Legislations and act  for disabled in india-RCI act 1992, PWD act 1995 and National Trust  act (1999) and Mental Health Act (1987) 
Programs and policies for children with special needs-Ministry of SJE (Social justice and empowerment ), Ministry of rural development, Ministry of Health, MHRD, Ministry of Labour and employment, Ministry of urban development, National Institute for disabilities.
Unit II: 
Definition, Types, Causes, Characteristics, Identification and assessment, Educational approaches
Visual Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Orthopedic disability
Unit III: 
Definitions, classification, etiology, identification and assessment, Educational Modifications related to: 
Intellectual impairment 
Autism spectrum disorders 
Learning disabilities:dyslexia, dyscalculia, disgraphia etc.
Communication Disorder
Unit IV: 
Definitions, classification, etiology, identification and assessment, Educational Modifications related to: 
Multiple disorders.-ADHD, 
Emotional disturbance 
Social deprivation
Unit V: 
Education, intervention and Prevention of disabilities                
Education  of Disabled (Moving towards integrated and inclusive education)
Types and Models of Inclusive Education
Counseling of parents.
Collaborative approach towards inclusion( Parents, school and community)
Essential Readings: 
Gedkar,E.Disabled in India,somaiya,1983.
Lilly Stephen,M. Children with Exceptional Needs,Holt,Rinehart,1979
CroockShank,W.M. Psychology of Exceptional Children and youth, "New Jersey,Prentice Hall", 1958.
Baker,H.J.,Introduction to exceptional children,NewYork,Macmillan Co.,1959.
Dunn,L.M.(ed) "Exceptional children in the schools", Holt Rinehart & Winston,1963.
Mangal, S.K. (2009) Educating Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education, Phi Learning. 
What Every Special Educatiors Must know: Ethics, Standards, and Guidelines for Special Educators, (2009) Council for Exceptional children 
Heward, W (2009) Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education (Book Alone): International Edition. Pearson Education, Limited 
Stowe Cynthia M. (2005), Understanding Special Education: A Helpful Handbook For Classroom Teachers [Paperback] Scholastic Inc
Schwartz Diane (2005 ) Including Children With Special Needs: A Handbook For Educators And Parents, Greenwood pub, United states
Academic Year: