Paper Code: 
GHSC 312 (B)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Course Objectives (COs):

This course will enable the students to –


1.       1. Understand the working of organization related to  child rights

2.       2. Understand the child rights and gender issues through content analysis

3.       3. Create the plan for workshops and awareness programs on gender and child rights related issues

4.       4. Analysis of print and electronic media content related to gender issues. 


Course Learning Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title










Child Rights and Gender Justice








The students will be able to –


CO106: Demonstrate the skill to organize workshop on socially relevant issues

CO107: Evaluate the Act and Policies related to children and women.

CO108: Measure the needs of care and protection among vulnerable groups.

CO109: Summarize knowledge of programs and services provided by organizations working for Child rights and gender issues.


Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Demonstration, Interactive session with experts, Content analysis


Learning activities for the students:

Hands-on activities, visit to organizations, planning and conducting workshop and awareness campaign


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Planning workshop, content analysis



·             Visits to organizations working in the area of Child Rights and Gender to understand their objectives, programmes and experiences.

·             Workshops on relevant issues like Gender, domestic violence, gendering of public spaces

·             Critical analysis of any one Act or policy related to children/women.

·             Preparation of informative materials on any one Act or policy related to children/women.

·             Media portrayals of women and children.

·             Situational analysis of any one group of children in need of care and protection on the basis of available secondary data.

Essential Readings: 

· Agarwal, A. &Rao, B.V. (2007). Education of Disabled Children. New Delhi: Eastern Book Corporation.

Agnes, F. (1999). Law and Gender Inequality: The politics of Women’s Rights in India. Oxford University Press.

· Bajpai, A. (2006). Child Rights in India: Law, Policy and Practice. Oxford University Press.

· Kishwar, M. (1999). Off the Beaten Track: Rethinking Gender Justice for Indian Women. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

· Satyarthi, K. and Zutshi, B. (Ed) (2006). Globalization, Development and Child Rights. New Delhi: Shipra Publication.

·  Saikia, N. (2008). Indian women: A socio-legal perspective. New Delhi: Serials Publication

Academic Year: