Advanced Study Environmental Science

Paper Code: 
HCT 144 G
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • The course lays emphasis on the microbial biodiversity (soil) & their role in bio remediation & bio absorption of pollutants along with some legal aspects


Unit I: 
Water Pollution: Monitoring and Control
  • Sources and characteristics of industrial sewage waste
  • Principles and methods of industrial waste treatment
  • Treatment of liquid waste: primary, secondary and tertiary (trickling filters and activated sludge, concept of CETP; Common Effluent Treatment Plant).
  • Fundamentals of biological treatment
    • Criteria for application of aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment
    • Monitoring of the efficiency of the biological treatment



Unit II: 
Soil Microbiology
  • Soil atmosphere, microbial environment (Biotic and aboitic stresses)
  • Soil microorganisms; Bacteria, Actinomycetes, Fungi and algae
  • Culture methods for enumeration of bacterial fungi and algae
  • Unculturable and culturable bacteria, conventional and molecular methods for studying microbial diversity.  


Unit III: 
Dye Industry
  • Source and origin of dyes
  • Characterization of waste effluents
  • Environmental Impact of dye and its intermediates
  • Treatment Technologies of dyes
  • General ideas of bio-degradation of xenobiotic compounds




Unit IV: 
Bioabsorption of Metals
  • Heavy metals
  • Microorganisms and metal absorption
  • Factors effecting bioabsorption
  • Bioreactors and bioabsorption
  • Phytoremediation
  • Mechanism of bioabsorption and bioaccumulation in specific metals


Unit V: 
  • Bioremediation by microorganisms
  • Bioremediation technologies
  • Measuring bioremediation in the field
  • Legislative approach for waste management
    • Hazardous waste management and handling rules 1989
    • Municipals waste rules
    • Water (prevention and control of pollution) act, 1974 as amended up to 1988 (ESS act)




Essential Readings: 
  • Indu Shekhar Thakur. Environment Biotechnology. I K. International .2006.
  • Pradipta Kumar Mohapatra. Text book of Environmental Biotechnology . IK. International.2006.
  • David P.Clark & Nanette J. Pazdernik Elsevier. Biotechnology. AP. 2009.
  • Jhadav, H. & Bhosale, V.M. Environmental Protection & Laws. Himalayan Publication-1995.
  • Arif. International Environmental Laws, Lancers Books. Newdelhi . 1996.
  • Microbiology concepts & application. 5th Edition.
  • La Grega,M.D., Buckingham, P.L. & Evans,J.C. Hazardous Waste Management,
  • McGraw Hill Inc. 2001.
  • Maria Csuros & Casaba Csuros.Microbial Examination of Water & Waste water. Lewis Publication. 1999.




Academic Year: