Adolescent Health, Problems and Positive Psychology

Paper Code: 
HHD 144C
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to :
1. To understand the causes, signs, and symptoms of various problems
2. To acquaint with the inherent challenges and contemporary issues in adolescent development. 
3. Counselling in adolescent age.
4. To understand the importance of positive psychology.
Unit I: 
Challenges and Problems in Adolescence
Stress among adolescents- Strategies used by parents to cope with adolescents problems.
Teen suicide: statistics, common situations in which adolescents commit suicide, symptoms of depression, prevention and intervention 
Academic stress, anxiety and depression- statistics/profile of adolescents in India related to academic stress, reasons, strategies for coping 
Bullying, ragging, aggression/violence, and juvenile delinquency: statistics/profile of adolescents in Indiaprevention and intervention 
Substance abuse: smoking, alcohol and drugs; influence of peers; prevention and intervention 
Sexuality: Sex vs. sexuality, importance of sexuality in adolescence, challenges related to sexuality 
Unit II: 
Common issues of adolescents
Common issues of adolescents 
a. Slow learners and talented/ exceptional
c. Emotional and behavioural issues.
d. Children with socially disadvantaged background and under achievers 
Counselling special groups 
a. Suicide prevention and management. 
b. Drug addicts and alcoholics 
c. Trauma and sexual abuse counselling 
d. Physical, psychological, vocational and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and mental retardation. 
e. Emotional intelligence counselling 
Unit III: 
Introduction to positive psychology
a. Need for a science of human strengths and virtues
b. Deconstruction of illness ideology and inclusion of human strengths 
c. Positive psychology: assumptions, goals and definitions
d. Three pillars of positive psychology. 
e. A movement away from deficit-centred approaches Theories; developmental trends in prosocial  behaviours; familial and extra-familial influences
Unit IV: 
Positive Psychology
a. Positive emotional states and processes -Subjective well-being,  Positive emotions, Positive psychology of emotional intelligence, Resilience in development 
b. Pro‐social behavior and wellbeing-Empathy and altruism, Psychology of forgiveness, Gratitude and science of positive psychology and  Love 
c. Managing stress, illness and pain: causes, consequences and interventions  
d. Implications for well-being: psychological factors as resilience, hope, optimism, positive self; Physical factors as exercise, safety, nutrition etc
Unit V: 
Health Promotion

-Health promotion through health enhancing behaviours/ life style changes , Barriers to health promotion ,Health services in adolescence, Challenges in health care , Future trends in health psychology ,Outlook for health psychologists.

Berk LE. 1993 Infants, Children and Adolescents. Allyn & Bacon.
Sebald H. 1984. Adolescence - A Social Psychological Analysis. Prentice Hall.
Seifert KL & Hoffnung RJ. 1991. Child and Adolescent Development. 
Brannon, L., &Feist, J. (2000). Health Psychology.An introduction to behaviour and health 
Damon, W. & Lerner R.M. (Eds.-in-Chief). Handbook of Child Psychology: Child Psychology in Practice(Volume 3); (Chapter on prosocial development (Eisenberg et al.)John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey. 
Dolgin , K. G. (2010).The adolescent :  Development ,Relationships and culture (13th ed.). NY: Pearson.
 Garrod, A., Smulyan, L., & Powers, S. I. (2011). Adolescent protraits: Identity, relationships, (7th Edition). NY : Pearson. 
Santrock, J. W. (2013). Adolescence (15th ed.). NY:McGraw Hill.
Taylor, S . (2006). Health Psychology (New York : Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing 
Carr, A. (2004). Positive Psychology: The science of happiness and human strength.UK: Routledge. 
DiMatteo, M.R. and Martin, L.R.(2002). Health psychology. New Delhi: Pearson. Misra,G.(1999).Stress and Health. New Delhi: Concept. 
Sarafino, E.P. (2002). Health psychology: Bio psychosocial interactions(Wiley).
Academic Year: