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This course shall enable the student:

• To examine the Physical chemical and sensory quality of different foods.

• To develop a new product


Course Outcomes: 

CO45: Examine the Physical chemical and sensory quality of different foods and detect adulterant in different food products

CO46: Develop a new product and perform its sensory evaluation

CO47: Compile comprehensive practical records and cultivate verbal communication skills to converse effectively with examiners

CO48: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction


  • Detection of adulterants in foods
  • Chemical / physical tests for assessment of quality of :
    • milk and milk products,
    • oils and fats,
    • flours,
    • canned foods,
    • jams, jellies and preserves
    • baked foods
    • packed foods
  • Sensory evaluation of various foods.
  • Product Development (Project)
Essential Readings: 

• Paine. Modern processing, packaging and distribution system. Blackie, Glasgow, 1987

• Raphael and Olson. Package production management AVI publ. Co. Inc. Connecticut, 1976.

• Food and packaging interaction. Hotchikess American Chemical Society

• ISI publications

• PFA Act,1954

• Jacob. Chemical methods in food analysis. CBS publications and distributors, New Delhi, 1999.



Suggested Readings

• Graf E and Saguy SI. Food Product Development. From Concept to Market Place. CBS Publishers &

Distributers. First Indian Edition. 1998.

• Hayes. Food engineering data handbook. Longman scientific and technical, New York, 1987

• Sacharow and Griffir Food packaging. AVI publishing Co.

• Briston and Neil. Packaging Management. Gower press


e- Content

• Introduction to Food Product Development – Food Product Development Lab Manual (

• Product Development of Food: Strategy, Innovations, Trends, and Examples - SavorEat

• Methods-for-Developing-New-Food-Products-preview.pdf (


Academic Year: