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This course will enable the students to:

  • Understand the prevailing psychological problems in various age groups and causes of the problems.
  • Understand the treatments and therapies for psychological problems.
  • Get acquainted with the various methods of studying characteristics and behavior in various handicaps. 
  • Get acquainted with the various methods of measuring the physical and intellectual capabilities of individual.
  • Understand the problems of handicaps and their mainstreaming.

Abnormal Psychology                                                                       


a). Meaning, definition and concept of psychology.

b). The concept of normality and abnormality; Classification of mental disorders (ICD X and DSM IV).

c). Causes of psychological disturbances in various age groups.-different viewpoints.

d). Assessment of Abnormal Behaviors – Case history taking – Mental status

examination, Psychometric and Computer in assessments.

Maladaptive Behaviors                                                                           6 Hrs


  1. Eating Disorder
  2. Sleeping disorder-Parasomnias, Dyssomnias
  3. Diagnostic Dilemmas-Chronic fatigue syndrome, irrational bowel movement
  4. Anxiety disorders- Panic disorder, Phobia, Obsessive compulsive disorder, Generalized Anxiety disorder; their symptoms, types, etiology and treatment.
  5. Mood disorders- Manic episode, Depressive episode, Bipolar Affective disorders, Dysthymia.

Somatoform, personality & Psychotic Disorder                                   6 Hrs

  1. Somatoform disorders and Dissociative disorders.
  2. Personality disorders- paranoid, schizoid, Dissociative, Impulsive, Anti Social, Borderline, Avoidance, Dependent Personalities
  3. Substance use disorders.
  4. Sexual Dysfunctions and Deviations.

Psychotic disorder-Schizophrenia, delusional disorder

Childhood Disorders                                                                                           6 Hrs

  1. Specific disorders in children: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disability and mental retardation: Symptoms and causes.
  2. Neurotic disorders: Childhood compulsive, obsessive and phobic reactions.
  3. Childhood psychosis: Autism and childhood schizophrenia: Symptoms and causes.
  4. Cognitive impairments: Approaches and etiology of delirium ,dementia and amnestic syndromes


Psychological therapies                                                                           6 Hrs

  1. a). Introduction to psychiatric treatments- Concept, definition, goals.
  2. Therapies-
  1. Individual – Psychiatry,  psychotherapy, client centered, Cognitive therapy, logotherapy, gestalt therapy, Group therapy- psychotherapy, psychodrama, transactional analysis.
  2. Behavior modification- Systematic desensitization, flooding and implosive, contingency management, token economy, aversion, modeling.
  3. Biological, medical, electroconvulsive and psychosurgery.
  4. Cross- cultural- Yoga, meditation, hypnosis, bio feedback, autogenic training, work therapy.
  5. Institutional care.
  6. Psychological therapies for children- Play therapy,  Behavior and cognitive therapy, Family therapy
Essential Readings: 
  1. Davison, G., & Neale, J.  (2003). Abnormal Psychology  (8th ed. With Cases).  New York:  John Wiley & Sons, Inc
  2. Barlow D.H. and Durand V.M. (2005). Abnormal Psychology: An Integrated Approach (4th Ed.).Wadsworth: New York.
  3. Carson R.C., Butcher J.N., Mineka, S., & Hooley J.M. (2007). Abnormal Psychology (13th Ed.).ND: Pearson Education.
  4. Kring,A.M.,Johnson,S.L.,Davison G.C. & Neale J.M. (2010). Abnormal Psychology (11th Ed.).NY: John Wiley.
  5. Lask, B. (1985). Overcoming behavior problems in children: A practical guide. New York: Arco Publishing, Inc.

Quay, H.L., & Werry, J.S. (eds.) (1986). Psychological disorders of childhood

Academic Year: