The Foods and Nutrition Department of Home Science is organizing National Nutrition Week from Sept 2'2013 to Sept 7 '2013. It is mandatory for all the students to participate, according to the activities specified below
1. COSD FSQC certificate- BOOK MARK making 5-9-2013 9:30 am -10:30 am
2. COSD CND Certificate, Diploma And Advance diploma, Badges making 5-9-2013, 9:30 am-10:30 am
3. B.Sc CND electives Sem I, III,V- Poster Making 2-9-2013 and 4-9-2013, 9:30 am - 12 noon
4. B.Sc Home Science Sem I,III,V Nutritious Snack and Beverage making, 9:30 am onwards
5. M Sc Home Science Foods and Nurition Sem I and III, Power point presentation, 6-9-2013, 10:00 am onwards