Guest Lecture on
Guidelines for Diet Counselling
Key note speaker: Dr.Anshu Chaturvedi Incharge , Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics , Fortis escorts Hospital
Venue – Seminar Hall
Date – 1st March 2023
A guest lecture on Guidelines for Diet Counselling was organized by department of Home-science on1st March 2023. The guest lecture was attended by students of, Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Semester III and MSc Students . In all 16 students benefitted from the activity. The lecture was held in Seminar Hall.
She explained the work pattern of hospital and also explained the entire nutrition care process which involves four steps: nutrition assessment, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention and nutrition monitoring and evaluation.
Further she discuss the process of dietary counselling includes a comprehensive evaluation that considers presence of disease, lipid profile, blood pressure, and weight history and goals. In addition, factors such as lifestyle, time available for food preparation, work schedule, and personal food preferences must be considered.
It was a huge learning experience for students. Her guidance and experience sharing was indeed commendable.