Yoga and Stress Management (Practical)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  • To develop student’s physical, emotional, and mental health through yogic activities.
  • Develop perfection to practice different yogic techniques.
  • Promote the positive +awareness for the healthy body and healthy mind.
  •  Create yoga experts with in depth knowledge based on yoga texts.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

CO-1:  Illustrate the knowledge of traditional text like Patanjali yoga sutra, Ashtang yoga and branches of yoga.

CO-2 Improved cognitive skills, self-confidence and body image.

CO-3: Demonstrate the different kinds of asana and the internal movements of the body and prana. Removes depression and increase concentration.

CO-4: Increase the awareness of different types of Pranayama and chanting.

CO-5: Learn yoga Nidra to relax at the physio-psychological level.

CO6: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:  Teaching

Interactive lectures, Demonstration, team teaching,



Learning activities for the students:


Self-learning, assignments, Effective questions, Project, Presentation, Giving tasks.

Class test , semester end examination , quiz, assignment














Yoga and Stress Management(Practical)


Unit I: 
History of Yoga
  • Definition of Yoga according to Patanjali, Gita, Swatmarama, Gheranda , Charandas
  • Concept of Traditional and Modern Yoga
  • Relationship of Yoga with Education, Science, and Personality Development
  • Basic Principles and types of Yoga
  • Astang Yoga
Unit II: 
Mental Health
  • Meaning and Definition
  • Principles of Mental Health
  • Need and Importance
  • Factors affecting Mental Health
  • Relationship of Mental Health and Yoga
Unit III: 
YOGA ASANA-Practical I

Sarvangasana, Surya bhedan, Ardha-Halasana ,Chakrasana, Setubandh-asana ,Dhanurasana, Salabhasana, Ustrasana ,Triknoasana,  Tadasana, Garudasana, Konasana,Uttanapadasana, Halasana, Naukasana, Pavana-muktasana, Padmasana, Matsyasana,Vajrasana, Supta-Vajrasana ,Mandukasana, Pascimottanasana, Vakrasana, Ardh-amatsyendrasana,   Gomukhasana, Savasana (yog-nidra), Makarasana,Suryanamaskar, 

Unit IV: 
Pranayama, Prayers and Chanting -Practical II

Anuloma – Viloma, Bhamari, Bhastrika, Surya bhedana, Ujjayi Pranayam, Om Stavana&Prayer  

Unit V: 
Relaxation and Meditation -Practical III
  • Meaning and importance of meditation.
  • Types and Mechanism of meditation.
  • Physiology aspect of Meditation
  • Technique of yog Nidra
  • Impact of yoga on Mental, Emotional, Intellectual, and Spiritual level
Essential Readings: 
  1. Vivekananda, Swami The Complete Book Yoga(August 1, 2019) 
  2. “Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras “ by Dr. P.V.Karambelkar
  1. Yoga in Vedas - Swami Divyanand
  2. Yoga and Yogi - Dr. Anuja Rawat
  3. Yoga Maha Vigyan - Dr. Kamakhya Kumar
  4. Great Yogi of India - Vishwanath Mukherjee
  5. Kalyan Yogank - Geeta Press Gorakhpur
  6. Bhakti Sagar - by Swami Charandas.


Academic Year: