Paper Code: 
CND 301
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Be acquainted with status of women in family & society.
  2. Understand how various factors influence the health & nutritional status of women.
  3. Understand how health of women influence family, community & national development.



Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title







CND 301

Women Health & Nutrition (Theory)







The students will be able to –


CO23: Demonstrate the status of women in family and society.

CO24: Identify the role of women in National development.

CLO25: Define Family Planning and examine women as reproductive Unit.

CO26: Illustrate the nutritional requirements of women through lifecycle and the special care needed during certain physiological conditions.

CO27: List various policies and legislations for women.

CLO28:To explain the role of education in empowering women.

CO29: Describe how the family, commUnity and National development is influenced by womens’ health.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration.


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Kahoot Quiz, Simulation, Seminar presentation

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual projects.


Unit I: 
  • Role of Women in National Development
  • pre and post-independence
  • present scenario
  • Women in family and commUnity
  • Demographic changes as per the latest census report (2011)
  • Sex ratio
  • Life expectancy
  • Literacy rate
  • Fertility related statistics
  • Birth Rate, General Fertility Rate, General Marital Fertility Rate, Age-Specific Fertility Rate, Total Fertility Rate, Gross Reproduction Rate, Net Production Rate, Child Women Ratio, Pregnancy Rate, Abortion Rate, Abortion Ratio, Marriage Rate
Unit II: 
  • Women as a reproductive Unit
  •  Girl child and gender bias
  • Family planning
  • Definition
  • Health aspects
  • National population policy
  • Fertility regulating methods
  • Post- conceptional methods
  • National Family Welfare Programme
Unit III: 
  • Women’s nutritional requirements and food need throughout lifecycle
  • Special Care during certain physiological conditions (mental- social support and food fads and myths )
  • Menarche
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Menopause
  • Special Care in chronic degenerative diseases (mental- social support and food fads and myths )
  • HIV and AIDS
  • Cancers- breast cancer and cervical cancer
    • Overview to the funding agencies for the same ( national &  international)


Unit IV: 
  • Policies and Legislations
    • CEDAW ( Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women)
    • WRLH (Women’s Right to Life and Health)
    • Safe motherhood & child survival
    • Ministry of Women & Child  Guidelines
    • Laws  pertaining to rape and female feticide
Unit V: 
  • Policies and Legislations
    • CEDAW ( Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women)
    • WRLH (Women’s Right to Life and Health)
    • Safe motherhood & child survival
    • Ministry of Women & Child  Guidelines
    • Laws  pertaining to rape and female feticide


  • Park K & Park (2011) Park’s Textbook  of Preventive and Social Medicine. 21st Edition.Banarsidas Bhanot Publications UP, India
  • Women and Health (2011) Mary IJ, Chidambaranathan C.Pointer Publication , Jaipur.
  • Bhatia A (2000). Women Devcelopment and NGO’s. Rawat Publications
  • Women & Society (1995) Women & educational development series-10. Common Wealth Publishers
  •  Nutrient Requirement and Recommended Dietary Allowances. (2010) ICMR
  • ACC/SCN Policy Discussion Papers
  • UNICEF (1994): The Urban Poor And Household Food Security, UNICEF
  • IDRC (1993): Gender, Health and Sustainable Development.
  • NFHS Reports.
  • UNICEF-State of World’s Children
  • Annual Report of Government of India (National Development)
  • World Health Organization (2010): Working with individuals, families and commUnities to improve maternal and newborn health
  • Gopalan, G. & Kaur ,S. (Editors) (1989).Women & Nutrition in India. Nutrition Federation of India
  • Policy documents,11th Five Year Plan. Ministry of Women & Child, Government of India
  • ICMR Spl.Rep.Ser.No.42. Nutrition for Mother and Child. NIN Hyderabad


Academic Year: