Theories Of Human Development And Behavior (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To make the students aware about different theories of human development and psychology.
  • To make the students aware about the application of theories in present context of development.
  • To develop a critical appraisal of important theoretical approaches in the study of Child development
  • To know the practical application of theory in Child development and to promote research.
Unit I: 
Introduction to Theory


  1. Define theory and its role in human development
  2. Historical perspective in the trends in theoretical development to child.
  3. Personality theory-Freud
  4. Psychosocial Theory- Erickson
Unit II: 
Theories of Personality and Cognitive

                                                                                                                                               a) A humanistic theory of personality- Erich Form

  1. Psychoanalytic theory - Harry Stack Sullivan
  2. Cognitive development theory-Jean Piaget
  3. Social Cognitive theory- Vygotsky.
Unit III: 
Learning &Ethiological Theory


  1. Theory of learning and behavior- Pavlov and Skinner
  2. Social learning theory –Bandura
  3. Hierachy of Needs theory- Abraham Maslow
  4. Ethological theory- John Bowlby
Unit IV: 
Ecological ,Need &Language Theories


  1. Ecological system theory- Bronfenbrener
  2. Need Theory- Henry Murray
  3. Language theory -Chomsky’s theory
Unit V: 
Theories of Moral & Emotional Development


  1. Trait theory-Allport
  2. Moral development theory – Kohlberg
  3. James Lange Theory of Emotion
Essential Readings: 

  • Papalia,D.E.andolds,S.W.Human Development McGraw Hill,1978.
  • Maier,H.W.Three Theories on Child Development Harper and Row,1978.
  • Langer,J.Theories of Child Development,Holt Rinehart,1969.
  • Dyrne,D.andRelley,K.An Introduction to Personality.Prentice Hall,1981.
  • Looft,A Development Psychology,A Book of Readings Dryden Press,1972.
  • Gruber,H.E.andVonecha,J.J. the essential Piaget Vincent Torre,1976.
  • Baldwin theories of Child Development.
  •  Newman, B.M. &newman, P. R. (2007). Theories of Human development. Mahwah, NJ:Lawrance Erlbaum.
  • Patterson, C.J. (2009). Infancy and Childhood.International Ed. New York: McGrawHill.
Academic Year: