Paper Code: 
HHD 125
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
This course will enable the students to :
1. Understand the role of tools and computer applications in research
2. Apply tools and techniques to gather data for analyzing and interpreting the development 
3. Create schedule/ questionnaire to study the behaviors of an individual.
 Course Outcomes (CO’s):



Learning Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assignment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HHD 125

Techniques of Studying Human Development

Student will be able to –


  • COHD20: Implement theory and techniques to understand contemporary problems and real-world situation.


  • COHD21: Construct, explore and practice available psychological tools to practice and incorporate into regular developmental studies.



Approaches in Teaching:  Interactive Lectures, Charts Power Point Presentation,



Learning activities for the Students:

Self learning assignments, field practicals.

Quiz. PPT, Group projects, assignments, CA test , Semester End Examination.

Preparation of schedule/questionnaire to study the behaviors of children/adolescents/ adults.
Administration and Assessment of Intellectual development by using intelligence scales
Understanding the Self : To apply the various methods studied in a practical context. SWOT analysis
Administration and Assessment of personality of children/ adolescents/ adults by using personality inventories and projective techniques.
Administration and Assessment of aptitude, interest, achievement and attitude of children / adolescents/ adults/old age.
Evaluation of a tool - Report of study.
Administration of Sociogram in a class room set up. 
Research Methodology-Methods & Techniques-C.R. Kothari- WishwaPrakashan. New Delhi.
Vikasatmak and samajmanovigyan-RajeshawariParsad Singh-BhartiBhawan, Patna.
Baal Vikas and Parivariksambadha-MdhureshawarPareek-Research Publication, Jaipur.
Baal Vikas and Parivariksambadha-AshaPareek-College Book Dipo, Jaipur.
Baal Vonovigyan: Baal Vikas-Dr. PritiVerma, Dr. D.N. Srivastav, VinodPustakMandir.
Academic Year: